Powers Ceridwen 2023-12-12 2024-03-10 Being the Celtic Power of Inspiration, both a Hag and a Muse #Celtic Pantheon #Demipowers #Night Hags #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Ringlands #Tir na Og #Wandering #Welsh Powers
Powers Cernunnos 2023-12-12 2024-03-10 Being the Celtic Power of Beasts, Wild Places, the Hunt, and of Witches #Celtic Pantheon #Lesser Powers #Nature Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Hunting #Ringlands #Tir na Og #Wandering
Places Balgatan 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 Being a Thorn in the Side of the Tuatha de Danann that Wanders Throughout Tir na Og #Burgs #Outlands #Ringlands #Ruins #Tir na Og #Wandering
Places Itharin 2023-12-04 2024-03-11 Being the Gate Town to the Astral #Astral #Burgs #Gate Towns #Outlands #Wandering
Powers Cú Chulainn 2023-12-03 2024-03-10 Sétanta, the Hound of Culann, the Celtic Power of Personal Challenges, Heroism, Battle #Celtic Pantheon #Demipowers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of War #Tir na Og #Tuatha de Danann #Wandering
Powers Lugh 2023-12-02 2024-03-10 Lugus the Long Hand, Celtic Power of Travel and Commerce #Celtic Pantheon #Gaulish Powers #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Travellers #Tir na Og #Tuatha de Danann #Wandering
Powers Dian Cécht 2023-12-02 2025-02-03 Diancecht, the Physician of the Gods #Celtic Pantheon #Healing Powers #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Tir na Og #Tuatha de Danann #Wandering
Places Castra Deposita 2023-11-29 2024-01-15 Being a Nomadic Burg that Likes to Nudge Others Off the Philosophical Precipice #Burgs #Doomguard #Independent Towns #Outlands #Ringlands #Wandering
Places Wanderlust 2023-11-29 2023-12-07 Being a Burg that Turns Up Wherever it Likes #Burgs #Hinterlands #Independent Towns #Outlands #Ringlands #Spirelands #Wandering