Society of Sensation
Society of Sensation

Society of Sensation

[ Ascendent Factions | Minor Factions | Sects ]

Society of Sensation

Watch me, Hear me, Smell me, Touch me, Taste me … Know me

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, as they say. To a Sensate, it’s worth four. See, the members of the Society of Sensation believe that there’s nothing so important as experiencing things. You can never really be sure if something’s true until you see it for yourself, they reckon. So it’s hardly surprising then that the Sensates are some of the best planewalkers, most daring adventurers, and passionate cutters you’ll find this side of Arborea. They’re also frequently temperamental, rarely sober, and fiendishly difficult to surprise.

Better pity the basher who’s married to a Sensate. It might be hard to by gifts for some folk, but try finding a veteran Sensate a gift they ain’t already bored with is as hard as trying to persuade a yugoloth to give the sweets that he’s not yet got round to poisoning to a bunch of children. Fickle? You don’t know the half of it…

“You mean to tell me, that he removed your innards
and strangled you with them???”

—Human Priest to a newly resurrected Kender Sensate

“Yeah…Cool huh?”

—Smiling Kender response

Faction Headquarters

  • The Civic Festhall — The Sensates run the Festhall, a complex with theatres, taverns, and sensoriums

Something You Haven’t Heard Before


  • Checker — Who turned stag from its Race, and found Consolation, Corroboration and Comfort in Art
  • Troika — Who can Be in Three places at Once, and usually Is


  • The Common Sense — How a Body Experiences the Multiverse is Coloured by that Body’s own Past
  • The Hedonists — Who believe that only Pleasure is worth Experiencing and hold the most Controversial Parties in the Cage
  • The Three-Faced — Who Learn to Think Like Each Other

Movers and Shakers

  • Erin’s Orchestra — The latest craze to sweep the faction, inspired by Factol Erin, but doubtless as short-lived as any other…

Source: Jon Winter-Holt,

See Also:, a Sensate D&D 3rd edition conversion here

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