| Slavic Deep Dive | Pantheons | Creator Powers, Index, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Varuna | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Mechanus, Powers, Powers of Law, Vedic Pantheon, Water Powers |
 | Lendor | Powers | Aloof Powers, Intermediate Powers, Mechanus, Oerth Pantheon, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Powers of Time, Suel Pantheon |
 | Sess’innek | Powers | Abyss, Abyssal Lords, Demipowers, Kearackinin, Pantheon of Scalykind, Powers, Powers of Kin, Tanar'ri Lords |
 | Pale Ossuary | Places, Powers | Abyss, Dead Powers, Gates, Grand Abyss, Powers, Sites, Undead |
 | Nastrond | Powers | Grand Abyss, Greater Powers, Powers, Powers of Entropy |
 | Indrik | Powers | Animal Lords, Beastlands, Demipowers, Pangaea, Powers, Primordials, Slavic Pantheon, Wandering |
 | Mistress of the Copper Mountain | Powers | Artisan Powers, Demipowers, Earth Powers, Powers, Quasi-Elemental Mineral, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Baba Yaga Yagishna | Powers | Dead Powers, Powers, Powers of Death, Powers of Magic, Psychopomps, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Ded Moroz | Powers | Archomentals, Lesser Powers, Para-Elemental Ice, Powers, Powers of Kin, Powers of Winter, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Stribog | Powers | Diseases, Gray Waste, Lesser Powers, Oinos, Powers, Powers of Disease, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Marena | Powers | Lesser Powers, Nether, Powers, Powers of Beauty, Powers of Death, Powers of Winter, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Veles | Powers | Hinterlands, Intermediate Powers, Powers, Powers of Animals, Powers of Magic, Powers of the Arts, Slavic Pantheon, Trickster Powers, Wandering |
 | Sea Tsar | Powers | Arborea, Lesser Powers, Ossa, Powers, Slavic Pantheon, Water Powers |
 | Mokosh | Powers | Artisan Powers, Bytopia, Dothion, Healing Powers, Intermediate Powers, Mother Powers, Nature Powers, Powers, Powers of Love, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Svarog | Powers | Artisan Powers, Father Powers, Intermediate Powers, Powers, Powers of Love, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Khors | Powers | Lunia, Mount Celestia, Night Powers, Powers, Silver Sea, Slavic Pantheon, Threshold |
 | Dazhbog | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Mercuria, Mount Celestia, Powers, Slavic Pantheon, Sun Powers |
 | Slavic Pantheon | Pantheons | Index, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Perun | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Powers of War, Quasi-Elemental Lightning, Ringlands, Sky Powers, Slavic Pantheon, Supreme Powers |
 | Cordycep | Powers | Demipowers, Formians, Mechanus, Myconoids, Powers of Disease |
 | Psilofyr | Powers | Healing Powers, Intermediate Powers, Mechanus, Nature Powers, Powers, Powers of Entropy, Powers of Law, Underdark Pantheon |
 | Set | Powers | Baator, Egyptian Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Night Powers, Powers, Powers of Law, Sky Powers, Stygia |
 | Avani | Powers | Cerilian Patheon, Greater Powers, Mechanus, Powers, Powers of Law, Powers of Magic, Sun Powers |
 | Helm | Powers | Faerûnian Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Mechanus, Powers, Powers of Law |
 | Ix Chel | Powers | Greater Powers, Healing Powers, Maya Pantheon, Mechanus, Mother Powers, Powers, Powers of Fate, Ysgard |
 | Itzamna | Powers | Father Powers, Greater Powers, Maya Pantheon, Mechanus, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Powers of Wisdom, Ysgard |
 | Rudra | Powers | inter, Intermediate Powers, Powers, Powers of Disease, Sky Powers, Vedic Pantheon |
 | Hoar | Powers | Faerûnian Pantheon, Powers, Powers of Justice |
 | Solonex | Powers | Powers, Powers of Death, Powers of Life, Powers of Time |
 | Shang-Ti | Powers | Celestial Bureaucracy, Chinese Pantheon, Creator Powers, Mechanus, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Powers of Law |
 | Tekemikazuchi | Powers | Earth Powers, Intermediate Powers, Japanese Pantheon, Mechanus, Powers |
 | Anu | Powers | Aloof Powers, Greater Powers, Mechanus, Powers, Powers of Law |
 | Yeenoghu | Powers | Abyss, Abyssal Lords, Abyssal Pantheon, Cutters, Intermediate Powers, Powers of Death, Powers of Entropy, Tanar'ri Lords |
 | Verenestra | Powers | Feywild, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers |
 | Squelaiche | Powers | Feywild, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers, Wandering |
 | Skerrit | Powers | Beastlands, Feywild, Krigala, Lesser Powers, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers |
 | Nathair Sgiathach | Powers | Draconic Pantheon, Feywild, Intermediate Powers, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers |
 | Fionnghuala | Powers | Feywild, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers, Wandering |
 | Emmantiensien | Powers | Feywild, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers, Treant |
 | Eachthighern | Powers | Feywild, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers |
 | Damh | Powers | Feywild, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers |
 | Caoimhin | Powers | Feywild, Powers, Seelie Court, Sylvan Powers |
 | Ahriman | Powers | Div, Gehenna, Greater Powers, Persian Pantheon, Powers, Powers of Death, Powers of Entropy |
 | Marinthaxus | Powers | Cocytus, Demipowers, Pandemonium, Powers of Treachery |
 | Chnum | Powers | Creator Powers, Egyptian Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Para-Elemental Ooze, Powers, Powers of Death |
 | Hathor | Powers | Egyptian Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Mother Powers, Powers, Powers of Love, Powers of the Arts |
 | Sobek | Powers | Egyptian Pantheon, Gray Waste, Lesser Powers, Oinos, Powers, Powers of Death |
 | Sekhmet | Powers | Egyptian Pantheon, Elemental Fire, Fire Powers, Lesser Powers, Powers, Sun Powers |
 | Anat | Powers | Acheron, Avalas, Egyptian Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Powers, Powers of War, Semitic Pantheon |
 | Astjeret | Powers | Abellio, Arcadia, Egyptian Pantheon, Nature Powers, Powers, Powers of War, Semitic Pantheon |
 | Reshep | Powers | Egyptian Pantheon, Powers, Powers of Disease, Powers of War, Sky Powers, Ysgard |
 | Wepwawet | Powers | Arcadia, Buxenus, Demipowers, Egyptian Pantheon, Powers, Powers of Death, Powers of War, Psychopomps, Underlands |
 | Eileithyia / Nekhbet | Powers | Arborea, Arcadia, Buxenus, Egyptian Pantheon, Greek Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Mother Powers, Olympus, Powers |
 | Adonis | Powers | Arborea, Demipowers, Greek Pantheon, Olympus, Powers, Powers of Hunting |
 | Hebe | Powers | Arborea, Demipowers, Greek Pantheon, Olympus, Powers |
 | Hermes | Powers | Arborea, Greek Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Olympus, Powers, Powers of Travellers, Powers of Wealth |
 | Ganymede | Powers | Arborea, Demipowers, Greek Pantheon, Olympus, Powers |
 | Hecate | Powers | Baator, Gray Waste, Greek Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Minauros, Pluton, Powers, Powers of Magic |
 | Aphrodite | Powers | Arborea, Greek Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Olympus, Powers, Powers of Love |
 | Hades | Powers | Gray Waste, Greater Powers, Greek Pantheon, Pluton, Powers, Powers of Death, Powers of Law, Powers of Wealth |
 | Inuit Pantheon | Pantheons | Hinterlands, Outlands, Powers |
 | Qailertetang | Powers | Hinterlands, Inuit Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Hunting |
 | Pukkeengak | Powers | Hinterlands, Household Powers, Inuit Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers |
 | Sedna | Powers | Greater Powers, Hinterlands, Inuit Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Death, Powers of Food, Water Powers |
 | Nootaikok | Powers | Demipowers, Hinterlands, Inuit Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Winter, Water Powers |
 | Sila | Powers | Greater Powers, Hinterlands, Inuit Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Sky Powers |
 | Tarqeq | Powers | Greater Powers, Hinterlands, Inuit Pantheon, Night Powers, Outlands, Powers |
 | Negafook | Powers | Hinterlands, Intermediate Powers, Inuit Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Winter |
 | Malina | Powers | Demipowers, Hinterlands, Inuit Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Sun Powers |
 | Isitoq | Powers | Hinterlands, Intermediate Powers, Inuit Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Law |
 | Huhueteotl | Powers | Aztec Pantheon, Chamada, Gehenna, Hinterlands, Outlands, Pandemonium, Pandesmos |
 | Athar Guide to Wandering Powers | Essays, Powers | Athar, Essays, Outlands, Powers, Wandering |
 | Deep One | Powers | Demipowers, Grippli Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Sleep, Ringlands |
 | Ilsensine | Powers | Great Old Ones, Greater Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Magic |
 | Norns, the | Powers | Norse Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Fate |
 | Tirag Thunderhooves | Powers | Bariaur Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Kin, Ringlands |
 | Ruornil | Powers | Cerilian Patheon, Lesser Powers, Night Powers, Outlands, Powers of Magic, Ringlands |
 | Ramman | Places, Powers | Babylonian Powers, Lesser Powers, Powers, Realms, Sky Powers, Wandering |
 | Thoth | Powers | Egyptian Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wisdom, Ringlands |
 | Dur-Shuk | Powers | Arborea, Arvandor, Demipowers, Orc Powers, Powers |
 | Zurrog | Powers | Bytopia, Demipowers, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Wisdom, Shurrock |
 | Baalibastus | Powers | Beastlands, Brux, Demipowers, Fire Powers, Orc Powers, Powers of Love |
 | Zagresh | Powers | Demipowers, Limbo, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Entropy |
 | Verex | Powers | Demipowers, Limbo, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Entropy |
 | Varg | Powers | Demipowers, Limbo, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of War |
 | Sezelrian | Powers | Demipowers, Fire Powers, Limbo, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Magic |
 | Rull | Powers | Demipowers, Limbo, Orc Powers, Powers, Sky Powers |
 | Nulgreth | Powers | Demipowers, Limbo, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Entropy |
 | Dretha | Powers | Demipowers, Limbo, Mother Powers, Orc Powers, Powers |
 | Lanishra | Powers | Demipowers, Limbo, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Treachery |
 | The Upstart Orcs of Golarion | Powers | Limbo, Orc Powers |
 | Nazarn | Powers | Demipowers, Orc Powers, Outlands, Powers of War, Wandering |
 | Yurtrus | Powers | Gray Waste, Intermediate Powers, Oinos, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Death, Powers of Entropy |
 | Shargaas | Powers | Gehenna, Intermediate Powers, Krangath, Night Powers, Orc Powers, Powers |
 | Luthic | Powers | Acheron, Avalas, Lesser Powers, Mother Powers, Orc Powers, Powers |
 | Ilneval | Powers | Acheron, Avalas, Intermediate Powers, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of War |
 | Bahgtru | Powers | Acheron, Avalas, Intermediate Powers, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of War |
 | Gruumsh | Powers | Acheron, Avalas, Greater Powers, Orc Powers, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Powers of War |
 | Vasthu | Powers | Brinklands, Demipowers, Orc Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Travellers |
 | Thaargat | Powers | Carceri, Cathrys, Demipowers, Nature Powers, Orc Powers, Powers |
 | Nuugahtrec | Powers | Acheron, Avalas, Demipowers, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Animals, Powers of War |
 | Nurva | Powers | Acheron, Avalas, Demipowers, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Fate |
 | Nabassh | Powers | Carceri, Demipowers, Orc Powers, Porphatys, Powers, Water Powers |
 | Kuvash | Powers | Agathys, Carceri, Demipowers, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of Treachery |
 | Dukagsh | Powers | Demipowers, Orc Powers, Powers, Powers of War, Prime, Wildspace |
 | Ahgnaar | Powers | Demipowers, Fire Powers, Orc Powers, Powers, Ysgard |
 | Vergadain | Powers | Dwarven Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Lesser Powers, Mordinsamman, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Fate, Ringlands |
 | Dumathoin | Powers | Dwarven Pantheon, Earth Powers, Intermediate Powers, Mordinsamman, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands |
 | Dugmaren Brightmantle | Powers | Artisan Powers, Dwarven Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Mordinsamman, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands |
 | Erik | Powers | Cerilian Patheon, Greater Powers, Nature Powers, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands |
 | Geshtai | Powers | Lesser Powers, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands, Water Powers |
 | Mouqol | Powers | Arborea, Baator, Bytopia, Elemental Fire, Gehenna, Lesser Powers, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Prime, Wandering |
 | Ulaa | Powers | Dwarven Pantheon, Earth Powers, Intermediate Powers, Mordinsamman, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands |
 | Shekinester | Powers | Creator Powers, Greater Powers, Outlands, Pantheon of Scalykind, Powers, Powers of Entropy, Powers of Wisdom, Ringlands, Triple Powers |
 | Xan Yae | Powers | Lesser Powers, Night Powers, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Underlands |
 | Sera | Powers | Cerilian Patheon, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wealth, Ringlands |
 | Waukeen | Powers | Faerûnian Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wealth, Ringlands, Triple Powers |
 | Shinare | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Krynnish Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wealth, Ringlands |
 | Zilchus | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wealth, Ringlands |
 | Orcish Pantheon | Pantheons | Orc Powers |
 | Semuanya | Powers | Lesser Powers, Nature Powers, Outlands, Pantheon of Scalykind, Powers, Ringlands |
 | Untamo | Powers | Finnish Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Sleep, Ringlands |
 | Dalt | Powers | Lesser Powers, Liminal Powers, Mazes, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Wandering |
 | Brandobaris | Powers | Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Trickster Powers, Wandering, Yondalla's Children |
 | Gond | Powers | Artisan Powers, Faerûnian Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands |
 | Chronepsis | Powers | Aloof Powers, Draconic Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Fate, Underlands, Underworld Powers |
 | Ubtao | Powers | Aloof Powers, Beastlands, Chultan Pantheon, Greater Powers, Krigala, Nature Powers, Outlands, Powers, Primordials, Supreme Powers |
 | Athar Guide to the Powers | Powers | Athar, Collections, Philosophies |
 | Athar Guide to Father Powers | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | Athar Guide to Mother Powers | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | Athar Guide to Dead Powers | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | Athar Guide to Trickster Powers | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | Athar Guide to Trinities | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | Athar Guide to Demipowers | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | The Athar Guide to Supreme Powers | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | The Athar Guide to Primordials | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | Athar Guide to Creators | Powers | Athar, Directory of Deities, Powers |
 | Fharlanghn | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Travellers, Prime, Wandering |
 | Skoraeus Stonebones | Powers | Earth Powers, Giant, Intermediate Powers, Jotunheim, Mount Olympus, Ordning, Outlands, Powers, Powers of the Arts, Wandering, Ysgard |
 | Hapi | Powers | Egyptian Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands, River Ma'at, Wandering, Water Powers |
 | Bes | Powers | Egyptian Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Fate, Ringlands, Wandering |
 | Zagyg | Powers | Demipowers, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands, Trickster Powers, Wandering |
 | Diancastra | Powers | Demipowers, Ordning, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands, Trickster Powers, Wandering |
 | Tvashtri | Powers | Artisan Powers, Demipowers, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands, Vedic Pantheon |
 | Gilean | Powers | Greater Powers, Krynnish Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wisdom, Ringlands |
 | Boccob | Powers | Greater Powers, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Magic, Ringlands |
 | Obad-Hai | Powers | Flan Powers, Intermediate Powers, Nature Powers, Oerth Pantheon, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands |
 | Apshai | Powers | Demipowers, Egyptian Pantheon, Nature Powers, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands |
 | Annam | Powers | Aloof Powers, Creator Powers, Demiplanes, Greater Powers, Ordning, Outlands, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Powers of Magic, Powers of Wisdom, Supreme Powers |
 | Sheela Peryroyl | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Nature Powers, Outlands, Powers, Ringlands, Sky Powers, Yondalla's Children |
 | Svantovit | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Fate, Powers of War, Ringlands, Slavic Pantheon |
 | Celtic Pantheon | Pantheons | Briton Powers, Celtic Pantheon, Gaulish Powers, Tuatha de Danann, Welsh Powers |
 | Ceridwen | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Demipowers, Night Hags, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wisdom, Ringlands, Tir na Og, Wandering, Welsh Powers |
 | Rosmerta | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Demipowers, Gaulish Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wealth, Ringlands |
 | Taranis | Powers | Briton Powers, Celtic Pantheon, Gaulish Powers, Gehenna, Greater Powers, Khalas, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Sky Powers, Supreme Powers |
 | Cernunnos | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Nature Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Hunting, Ringlands, Tir na Og, Wandering |
 | Cailleach | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Gehenna, Intermediate Powers, Mungoth, Powers, Powers of Winter, Sky Powers, Welsh Powers |
 | Silvanus | Places, Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Faerûnian Pantheon, Gaulish Powers, Greater Powers, Nature Powers, Outlands, Powers, Realms, Roman Pantheon, Tir na Og |
 | Belenus and Brigid | Places, Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Elysium, Fire Powers, Gaulish Powers, Powers, Realms, Sun Powers, Thalasia, Tuatha de Danann, Water Powers, Welsh Powers |
 | Cú Chulainn | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Demipowers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of War, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann, Wandering |
 | Áine | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wealth, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann |
 | Airmed | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Demipowers, Healing Powers, Outlands, Powers, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann |
 | Arawn | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Gray Waste, Intermediate Powers, Niflheim, Powers, Underworld Powers, Welsh Powers |
 | Epona | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Gaulish Powers, Lesser Powers, Nature Powers, Outlands, Powers, Tir na Og, Welsh Powers |
 | Andraste | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of War, Tir na Og, Welsh Powers |
 | Nehalennia | Powers | Gaulish Powers, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Travellers, Tir na Og |
 | Aengus | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Love, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann |
 | Oghma | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Faerûnian Pantheon, Greater Powers, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Wisdom, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann |
 | Nuada | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Greater Powers, Outlands, Powers, Supreme Powers, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann |
 | Morrigan | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of War, Tir na Og, Triple Powers, Tuatha de Danann |
 | Math Mathonwy | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Gehenna, Intermediate Powers, Khalas, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Powers of Magic, Supreme Powers, Welsh Powers |
 | Manannan mac Lir | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Tuatha de Danann, Water Powers |
 | Lugh | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Gaulish Powers, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Powers of Travellers, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann, Wandering |
 | Goibhniu | Powers | Artisan Powers, Celtic Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann |
 | Dunatis | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Earth Powers, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers, Tir na Og, Welsh Powers |
 | Dian Cécht | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Healing Powers, Intermediate Powers, Outlands, Powers, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann, Wandering |
 | Daghdha | Powers | Celtic Pantheon, Father Powers, Greater Powers, Outlands, Pantheon Leaders, Powers, Sky Powers, Supreme Powers, Tir na Og, Tuatha de Danann |
 | Alu Kahn Sang | Powers | Dust, Powers, Primordials, Quasi-Elemental Dust, Sky Powers |
 | Anzu | Places, Powers | Demipowers, Dust, Pantheon of Dust, Powers, Powers of Entropy, Quasi-Elemental Dust, Realms, Tumbling Rocks |
 | Alu-Akkad | Places, Powers | Demipowers, Dust, Oasis of Filth, Pantheon of Dust, Powers, Powers of Entropy, Quasi-Elemental Dust, Realms |
 | Paradyn | Places, Powers | Core Dust, Demipowers, Dust, Pantheon of Dust, Powers, Powers of Entropy, Quasi-Elemental Dust, Realms |
 | Odaiel | Places, Powers | Creator Powers, Demipowers, Dust, Oasis of Filth, Pantheon of Dust, Powers, Powers of Entropy, Quasi-Elemental Dust, Realms |
 | Dustbowl God | Places, Powers | Core Dust, Demipowers, Dust, Miscellaneous Powers, Powers, Quasi-Elemental Dust, Realms |
 | Dust Tyrant | Places, Powers | Beholder Pantheon, Beholders, Demipowers, Dust, Oasis of Filth, Powers, Powers of Entropy, Quasi-Elemental Dust, Realms |
 | Vecna | Powers | Ash, Dead Powers, Lesser Powers, Liches, Oerth Pantheon, Powers, Powers of Magic, Quasi-Elemental Ash, Resurrected Powers |
 | Almdrid Sunkiller of Starfall | Places, Powers | Ash, Demipowers, Empty Winter, Night Powers, Powers, Quasi-Elemental Ash, Realms, Sparkling Vast |
 | Gzemnid | Powers | Beholder Pantheon, Elder Mythos, Lesser Powers, Outlands, Powers |
 | The Great Mother | Powers | Abyss, Abyssal Pantheon, Beholder Pantheon, Elder Mythos, Eyenabella, Greater Powers, Mother Powers, Powers, Powers of Magic, Supreme Powers |
 | Kyuss | Powers | Abyss, Elder Mythos, Great Old Ones, Powers, Powers of Entropy, Wormblood |
 | Gazzall’et | Powers | Abyss, Abyssal Pantheon, Descolada, Lesser Powers, Nature Powers, Powers |
 | Bahamut | Powers | Draconic Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Lunia, Mercuria, Mount Celestia, Powers, Powers of Wisdom, Sky Powers, Solania, Venya |
 | Nikkal | Powers | Lesser Powers, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Nature Powers, Night Powers, Powers, Ugaritic Pantheon |
 | The Shichifukujin | Powers | Japanese Pantheon, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Powers, Powers of Love |
 | Yarikh | Powers | Lesser Powers, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Night Powers, Powers, Ugaritic Pantheon |
 | Trishina | Powers | Asathalfinare Pantheon, Lesser Powers, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Powers, Seldarine, Silver Sea, Water Powers |
 | Tyr | Powers | Faerûnian Pantheon, Intermediate Powers, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Norse Pantheon, Powers, Powers of Justice, Ysgard |
 | Hakiyah | Powers | Greater Powers, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Powers, Powers of Justice, Sky Powers, Zakharan Pantheon |
 | Brihaspati | Powers | Intermediate Powers, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Powers, Powers of Wisdom, Vedic Pantheon |
 | Tishtrya | Powers | Lesser Powers, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Persian Pantheon, Powers, Sky Powers |
 | Anahita | Powers | Lesser Powers, Lunia, Mount Celestia, Persian Pantheon, Powers, Powers of Justice, Water Powers |