Music Poetry The Blood War Battlefield 2024-09-18 2024-10-06 Being a Tale of Woe from the Depths of the Blood War #Blood War #Lower Planes #Poems from Beyond #Songs from Beyond
Planes Carceri 2024-08-11 2024-08-11 Being the Red Prison, the Plane of Betrayal, Imprisonment and Treachery #Carceri #Lower Planes #Outer Planes
Carceri Agathys 2024-08-11 2024-10-29 Being the Final Brutal Betrayal and the Death of Hope #Agathys #Carceri #Layers #Lower Planes #Outer Planes
Carceri Porphatys 2024-08-10 2024-10-29 Being a Freezing Ocean of Acidic Water, Blanketed by Snow and Misery #Carceri #Layers #Lower Planes #Outer Planes #Porphatys
Carceri Colothys 2024-08-10 2024-08-11 Being a Treacherous Range of Vertical Peaks, where both Terrain and Locals Alike are Unstable and Malicious #Carceri #Colothys #Layers #Lower Planes #Outer Planes
Carceri Minethys 2024-08-10 2024-08-11 Being a Vast Desert of Glowing Crimson Sands and Biting, Desiccating Storms #Carceri #Layers #Lower Planes #Minethys #Outer Planes
Music Poetry Dis Respect 2024-08-10 2024-08-21 Being a Rousing Anthem Celebrating All Flavours of Tiefling #Lower Planes #Poems from Beyond #Songs from Beyond #Tieflings
Carceri Cathrys 2024-07-29 2025-01-27 Being a Noxious Acid Rainforest Roamed by Cannibalistic Petitioners #Carceri #Cathrys #Layers #Lower Planes #Outer Planes
Carceri Othrys 2024-07-29 2024-10-29 Being a Treacherous Swamp full of the Exiles, the Outcasts and the Ne’er-do-Wells #Carceri #Layers #Lower Planes #Othrys #Outer Planes