Transcendent Order
Transcendent Order

Transcendent Order

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Transcendent Order

Do not Think about doing It… Do It!

For many clueless primes, the philosophy of the Transcendent Order is one of the hardest to grasp. So much so, in fact, that the faction’s been dubbed the “Ciphers”—as if they talk in some secret code. In fact, it’s quite a simple concept that they espouse: Trust your Instincts, Do what your Body Tells You, and Act in Cordance with the Multiverse.

Besides being the best martial artists in the Cage (comes from all that meditation, presumably), the Ciphers have the best gymnasia, saunas, massage parlours and hot pools. If a cutter’s looking to relax, he’d better jump in a bath with a Cipher. The faction’s also renowned for its diplomacy; which is perhaps a surprise, because when most bashers say whatever comes into their head first (like the Ciphers tend to do), it’s usually the start of problems. Maybe that speaks a volume or two for the level to which the Transcendent Order really live their philosophies.

While they don’t usually talk much, I’ve persuaded a few Ciphers to part with some of the chant of their faction… don’t just think about reading it! Read it!

“It would not be advisable to charge into the situation as it stands without giving it some serious thought and perhaps taking precautions to ensure maximum chances of survival.”

—Guvner, to Cipher

” – “

—The Cipher, figuring it would waste time to talk before ‘charging into the situation at hand’

Faction Headquarters

  • The Great Gymnasium — where the Mind and Body Learn to become One

Songs Straight from the Heart

Philosophy by Numbers

  • Deciphering the Ciphers — A factotum Explains how he found his Way in the Faction and tries to Unravel the myths that Encode the Ciphers


  • Fash the Tacit — Who sees More by seeing Less and takes Sensory Deprivation to a Brutally logical Extreme
  • Ka’Tarik’A — Who has Opened her Mind to the Multiverse and Waits for it to contact Her


  • The Eclipsed — Who Believe Senselessness is like the Moon; Subtle, Silvery and Gentle
  • The Open-Minded — Who are Trying to Reach Out and Touch that Elusive Voice

Source: Jon Winter-Holt,

See Also:, a Cipher D&D 3rd edition conversion here

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