[ Outlands ] [ Spirelands | Ringlands | Gate-Towns | Hinterlands | Splinterlands | Underlands ]
The Spirelands
Also known as — The Disc, the Heart of the Centre

More is known about the Outlands than many other planes put together, but there are also a great many mysteries to be encountered here. Not least is the Spire itself, an infinitely tall tapering pillar of dark rock that rises from the flat plains of the Outlands both suddenly and with eye-watering proportions.
The central Outlands themselves can be divided into three portions: The Spire, the Ringlands, and the Brinklands where the gate-towns can be found. The first of these applies to the vast area, called “the Disc” by some locals, and the Spirelands by others, radiating out from the Spire. It’s here that staunchly neutral communities make their kips, bloods who choose not to choose radical beliefs dwell, and the rilmani, that mysterious grey race of the Outlands, hold sway. It’s also the largest magic-dead area in the Multiverse, for the Spire apparently draws all magic into itself. The closer you are to the Spire, the more the arcane weave is affected. This effect weakens as you walk with your back to the Spire towards the second part of the plane. Near the Spire, even the powers lose the ability to use magic, which means it’s a good place for them to meet and parlay but it’s a rare god who will put themselves in this position.
The Flavours of the Spirelands
- The Outlandish Lands — Being an exploration of what makes the Outlands unique and, well, outlandish‡
- Bestiary of the Outlands — In which we meet the creatures that lurk, flutter and wander the Outlands
- Calendar of the Outlands — In which we discover an account of the months and seasons of the Plane of Balance, helpful to both local and planewalker alike.‡
- Magic and the Spire — Being a map of the magical flux distortion created by the Spire
- Outlandish Folk — Being a balanced look at the cutters who call the Outlands their home plane‡
- Tales of the Outlands — In which we hear the stories of travellers who’ve been here first, who’ve perhaps seen it all before, or never want to see it again‡
- Terrain of the Outlands — Being a journey through the surreal terrain of the Outlands, where opposites collide‡
- Talk Like an Outlander — Being a glossary of the lingo that is peculiar to the Outlands‡
The Spire
In which we uncover chant on the most imposing structure on the Planes; the Infinite Spire. There are as many theories on the Spire as there are cutters with opinions, and this mimir’s recorded some of the most illuminating, lucid, revealing, amusing, or downright ridiculous.
- The Infinite Spire — In which we learn the answers to many questions about the Spire, but probably create even more questions…
- Tales of the Infinite Spire — In which we hear from all manner of cutters about their scholarly, or barmy, theories
Sites of the Spirelands

In which we discover the secrets of the communities which lie in the shadow of the Spire.
- Centered Focus (rilmani burg)
- Dendradis (rilmani burg)
- Equilibria (realm of Matanazani)‡
- False Spires (hazards)â€
- Great Ring (independent burg)
- Hermitages (sites)
- Lights of Balance (site)
- Oak Island (site)‡
- The Onsen of Extremism Absolution (site)‡
- Sum of All (rilmani burg)
- Stalagmites, the (hazard)‡
Powers of the Spirelands
In which we learn that, along with Sigil, the Spirelands are one of the very best places to escape from the powers.
- Matanazani (power of neutralisation, levelling and balance)‡
Planar Pathways Touching the Spirelands
In which we learn that planar pathways do not touch the Spirelands; a lack of connection to planar conduits, the Astral Plane and even portals is in fact a defining feature of this area. All travel within the Spirelands is of the mundane variety, because teleportation magic and plane shifting is also cut off by the magic dead zone. More details here:
Movers and Shakers
In which we learn about the staunchly neutral race of monitors who make their home at the centre of the Great Ring, and the folk and creatures that inhabit the Spirelands, and how best to approach — or avoid — them.
- Bariaur Tribes
- Indep Villages
- Rilmani
- Abiorach
- Argenach
- Aurumach
- Cuprilach
- Ferrumach
- Fortresses of the Ferrumach‡
- Kuldurath (the mounts of the ferrumach)
- Plumach
- A Plethora of Plumachs (NPCs)‡
- Stannachâ€
- The Paragons of the Rilmani‡
- The Factions of the Rilmani‡
- The Dark of the Rilmani‡
- Falling Sideways (a tale of a fallen rilmani)‡
Source: Jon Winter-Holt, mimir.net. Canonwatch: Entries are from D&D canon unless otherwise marked, although when the canon is sparse I’ve got creative with the details; †adapted from a 3rd party publication; ‡ homebrew.