Aestetica of the Eladrin
Aestetica of the Eladrin

Aestetica of the Eladrin

[ Eladrin ] [ Aestetica | Paragons | Court of Stars ]

Castes, Promotion and Hierarchy of the Eladrin

Aeolaeka / Laene Carvers of stone12
Amori / Gancanagh Love / Romantic rakes2 / 4
BralaniDesert wanderers6
Brijidine / Sirocco Dancers in flame and lava17
Coure / Lyrakien Slender gossamer pranksters1
Firre / Raelis Bards and guardians of artistry10
GhaeleSecretive knights-errant13
Goethi Shadows of the night8
Litriti Magic-weavers13
Mairne Seventh Sea sailors5
Noviere / Nualidu Protectors of the waters5
Prydanu Surveyors of skies and waters16
ShiereRangers and monster-hunters10
Shiradi Fighters and athletes14
Thyrlien Nighttime moth protectors4
TulaniFaerie lords and ladies18
Uinuja Watching over dreamers15
Veranallia Architects of nature20
Yamah Thieves of evil magic5
ParagonsEmpyreal lords of the eladrin20+

“What part of chaotic good you don’t understand, berk? Are you going to ask a tanar’ri what type, class and species it belongs to? Oh, wait, we’re on the Prime, of course you would. I bet you’d even try to summon one as well…

Okay, I’ll elaborate. There are no ‘grades‘ of eladrin. They are ever-so changeable, yes, like the tanar’ri of the Abyss. And like with tanar’ri, those changes are shaped part by the eladrin’s own beliefs, and part by their environment. However, while the demons have to evolve themselves and to lust for power merely to survive in the Abyss, eladrin change to better reflect who they actually are—not to become more powerful, but to become happier, to express their truest form.

Every celestial eladrin is unique—well, so is almost any creature bar the occasional modron clone army, but with eladrin this is more apparent than most. Eladrin pride themselves on expressing their own different looks, powers and personalities. But—again, same as the demons—this doesn’t mean there aren’t similarities between them. In fact, most of the race can fit in one category or another. As is their wont, the Fraternity of Order have neatly boxed them up them into kinds and types, just like they do with other planar races. But I personally would call them different aesthetics. Eladrin themselves use the fancier word Aestetica—but most of them just argue that this categorisation nonsense is meaningless to everyone but the most obsessive of graybeards. The aestetica have been divided by others into ‘lesser’ and ‘greater’, but this division doesn’t reflect their standing the eladrin society or even power level. While the ‘greater’ eladrin might sometimes be stronger than ‘lesser’ bashers, this strength comes from their choice of aesthetic, not the other way around.

So what are Aestetica? Well, while they often coincides with magical powers, it’s not a race, it’s not a form and it’s not a job. It’s more like an approximation, a theme, or a set of shared traits that eladrin prefer. Over time, eladrin may shift their Aestetica or even find a way to merge a few of them together. If they cannot find one that fits, they might invent a new one—and sometimes create a new trend or even something long‐lasting. Some eladrin just renounce Aestetica altogether. After all, every eladrin is unique.

Now let me lann you the chant about some of the most common Aestetica—the majority of all eladrin you’ll find will likely belong to one of those listed here…


A youthful coure eladrin

Also known as lyrakien, glistenwings, the wanderer azata †

Alternate form: a tiny ball of light

Coure (pronounced KOOR, coo-RAY, or koo-UR, depending on who you ask) appear as tiny fey-like humanoids with insectile wings, filled with child-like wonder. They wear clothes of leaves and petals and make tools from nutshells and needles. Okay, while a considerable amount of them do that, remember the golden rule—all eladrin are different. Don’t be surprised to find clockwork blowgun-shooting coure, or even pistol-toting smokepowder coure.

Coure rarely stay in one place or in one form—they travel around Arborea, visiting other eladrin communities and figuring out how to be eladrin (which is by being themselves). They learn to survive, fight, care for those around them and live according to the ideals of fun-loving freedom. Most coure slowly grow and change into another eladrin as they figure out what their preferred form might be. Some coure like being tiny and choose to remain this way. They can be surprisingly wise mentors and terrifying opponents—they retain their insatiable desire to learn and keep a ridiculous array of tricks up their sleeves. These adult coure (some of whom prefer to be called lyrakien) are musical messegers and embodiments of free travel. They can transform into a ball of light, sometimes with little wings.

Stats: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2 [2e] p31; Book of Exalted Deeds [3e] p168; Manual of the Planes [5e] p352; Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p38; Monster Core [PF2e] p32 (as lyrakien)

Amori and Gancanagh

A passionate amori eladrin

Also known as passion azata

Alternate form: a whirlwind of bright ribbons

Amori (ah-MORE-ee), the “succubi of the Upper Planes” are perhaps the most argument-inducing celestial creatures. They embody open sexuality and are well-known for their, let’s say, romantic immodesty, which can border on debauchery. But the comparison with their arch-nemeses, succubi, couldn’t be more wrong. Unlike those conniving fiends, amori actually have love in their hearts—and not only the physical kind. In fact, they’re perfectly content with any form of admiration, and some amori even prefer to keep things platonic—though most of them love to make love. While one would expect amori to have a conventionally attractive (for a humanoid) look, they are actually surprisingly diverse, even compared with some other eladrin. Perhaps this is due to how they encourage variety in experiences—with all due consent, of course. This philosophy, unsurprisingly, makes them popular with Sensates.

On Arborea, amori live together with other eladrin (there’s a running joke among celestials about how amori are the only thing keeping eladrin together by turning their society into one huge polyamorous community). Some serve as concubines in divine realms or venture out in search of… let’s go with adventures. Many amori face disapproval from certain less permissive celestials (okay, mainly the archons) and outright harassment from creatures who are not as well-mannered. But other eladrin always defend their kin. After all, if kissing some dryads (while maybe lacking a bit of clothing) “isn’t okay” now, then what won’t be “okay” tomorrow?

The alternate form of amori is a whirl of bright ribbons. This is mostly used to briefly escape danger, but should the need arise, the ribbons can restrain a target as well. Gancanaghs are thought of as a separate Aestetica outside of Arborea, but frankly, they’re much closer to being a fashion statement among amori. Gancanaghs tend to present as masculine, fashionably dressed and carry pipes, which they never use.

Stats: Amori are homebrew. Gancanagh can be found in Bestiary 5 [PF1e] p38; Monster Core [PF2e] p32; Conversion [5e]


A mairne sailor eladrin

Also known as sailor azata

Alternate form: a large droplet of Astral memory-water

Mairne (MAIR-nee) eladrin are the true voyagers of the eladrin, even more so than bralani and novieres. In many ways they stand apart from their kin, being the most solitary of the eladrin. Mairnes will bond with a ship or a spelljammer which they have decide to sail on, like merrenoloths, but very much not like one. And sail they do—mairnes know all the oceans of Upper Planes, visit the Prime and the Hintersee, the Astral Sea, Wildspace, the Phlogiston, and some have even snuck into the Lower Planar seas. They do all of that by taking a shortcut through the Seventh Sea, a mysterious planar pathway, that is sparingly used by most races—but mairnes (and, in fact, all eladrin) seem to possess a deep intrinsic connection to it. A mairne’s alternate form is a blob of perfectly clear Astral water like that found in the Seventh Sea.

Stats and more chant on the mairne here…

Noviere and Nuliadu

An aquatic noviere eladrin

Alternate form: a shimmering shape of water

Noviere (no-vee-AIR) eladrin share the wanderlust of the bralani, but they choose the vastness of the sea to adore. They’re coloured like the most vibrant of marine creatures, tend to wear the bare minimum of clothing and sometimes have gills or fins. They do not seem to actually need them however, as their innate connection with Aquallor and water as a whole means they can breathe underwater, and swim three times faster than the average human can walk. However, noviere need to change themselves to comfortably exist in other environments—which means they favourite haunts are the planar seas and oceans of Thalasia, Lunia, Outlands, the Prime and Elemental Water. There are exciting tales of especially tough novieres able to resist the acid waters of Porphatys or the memory draining effects of the Styx, but those are most likely fanciful screed. A typical noviere can also transform into the watery shape of a marine animal—for example a dolphin made of water. For a short period of time, they can even liquefy themselves completely, and flow through small openings like a water elemental or gehreleth might.

Novieres are among the most social of the eladrin, always eager to expand their horizons. They’re often found living among the tritons and sea elves of Arborea, and the more adventurous visit other planes as well. Novieres delight in exploring other cultures, and they can often be seen among sailors and in ports. However, many novieres love the ocean too much to want to leave it for long. When away from water for more than a week, noviere become gray, itchy and weakened [mechanically, they gain a level of exhaustion each day after a week].

Nuliadu (nuh-LEE-uh-doo) are similar to novieres, being just as adventurous and nomadic, but they have an affinity to the chaotic currents of the oceans. Perhaps because of this nualidus are more powerful than novieres, but they’re also more volatile and fiercely protective of their water sources. The jury’s out on whether novieres and nualidus should be considered a single or two distinct Aestetica. Most Guvners lump them together, and the eladrin don’t care enough to correct then.

Stats: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2 [2e] p34; Manual of the Planes [5e] p355; Pathfinder #105: The Inferno Gate [PF1e] p82 (as nualidu) †


Yamah are butterfly eladrin known for their grace, beauty, and fierce resistance to misuse of magic. They appear as radiant, fairy-like cutters with flowing hair and vibrant wings that shimmer with the colours of dawn. Yamahs bridge the realms of artistry, religion, and divine warfare. Revered by mystery cults and secretive religious orders, yamahs are sacred intermediaries between mortals and divine mysteries. They often serve as muses to bards, inspiring devotion through music, poetry, and visions of celestial beauty. Their presence on the Prime is tied to rituals of purification and transcendence, where initiates seek spiritual enlightenment through symbolic acts. However, yamahs are far more than passive figures of inspiration—they actively seek out wicked magic, absorbing its corrupt essence into themselves before redirecting it back at its source in devastating bursts of force. This unique ability makes them feared by necromancers and witches, especially in numbers. Yamah also enjoy secretly following interlopers in Arborea, ruining their protective magics from the shadows.

Though they prefer subtlety and artful persuasion over brute force, yamahs are fierce combatants when called to battle. In celestial armies, yamah azatas are invaluable assets against fiends, hags and other forces of darkness. Their ability to neutralise harmful magic allows them to disrupt enemy spellcasters while bolstering their allies with protective cover.

Stats: Magnimar, City of Monuments [PF1e] p63 †


A bralani in a rare moment of stillness

Also known as wind azata †

Alternate form: a whirlwind

Bralani (bra-LAHN-ee) eladrin enjoy freedom of movement to its fullest. They might turn themselves into a whirlwind to travel with blinding speeds or seep through cracks into abandoned temples of Mithardir. Bralani are fearless explorers and survivalists, nomads, and frenetic cutters who can’t just sit still in one place for long. Most of them live on the third layer of Arborea, named Mithardir or Pelion, but some traverse Ossa as waterspouts or inhabit snowy slopes of Olympus as blizzards. These cutters might consider themselves a different Aestetica or claim that bralani is a some kind of umbrella term—you should understand how it works with eladrin by now. For reasons both practical and aesthetic, bralani wear headscarves, robes and sometimes masks. Their skin is most often sandy yellow, but blue is surprisingly popular. Bralani have innate wind-related magic that helps them to propel their wondrous sand-sailing vehicles.

Stats: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2 [2e] p30; Monster Manual [3e] p93; Manual of the Planes [5e] p351; Bestiary [PF1e] p24; Bestiary 2 [PF2e] p30

Goethi, Thyrlien and Uinuja

A monochromatic goethi eladrin

Also known as gloaming azata

Alternate form: a shadow

Goethi (go-EE-thee) eladrin find themselves to be drawn to darkness. Not the kind of crushing, ravaging darkness you’d find in the Abyss or Baator, mind. In fact, one could interpret the entire existence of goethi as a protest against such treatment of the night and dark colours. They style themselves with black garments and delightfully creepy jewellery, while soaring over night-time woods in their cloak-wings. Yes, many goethi can manifest wings of shadow, though they cannot sustain them for more than an hour without rest. Unsurprisingly, goethi are nocturnal creatures (even more so than other eladrin) and they often make their homes in deep caves, where they guard potential passageways from other planes. Goethi often act as a voice of compassion, always ready to give a helping hand to repentant souls. They make sure to treat everyone with kindness, even those who are perhaps undeserving of it. Goethi can transform into two-dimensional shades or other forms of magical darkness. This allows them to slip through narrow gaps undetected, and renders them completely invisible while in darkness. Thyrliens (theer-LEE-en) and uinujas (win-OO-ja) are two forms of goethi who’ve entered in an alliance with the power Desna, assisting her followers through the night hours. Thyrlien watch over night-time travellers and uinuja take care of dreamers.

Stats and more chant on the goethi here…

Stats: [5e] (goethi); Inner Sea Gods [PF1e] p285 (thyrlien); Bestiary 6 [PF1e] p33 and Occult Bestiary [PF1e] p9 (uinuja)


A colourful firre eladrin

Also known as kanya, raelis or muse azata

Alternate form: a multicoloured pillar of fire

Firres (FEER) are the most diverse out of all eladrin, and that’s saying something. Hells, many firres themselves argue that firre is an outdated word that doesn’t reflect their Aestetica, and suggest other names, such as raelis (ray-EL-is) or kanya (kan-YA) for specifically storytelling-oriented eladrin. Non-eladrin races naturally don’t care. Firres are born from eladrin most passionate for art. Of course, there are many different kinds of art, but most firres start with singing and music, at least. It is common for one firre to be a great bard, painter and writer, dabble in architecture, and then choose to pursue an acting career. Quite often firres will combine their many talents—they’ll write a play, compose the score, and then sew the costumes. All at the same time! Merging artistic expressions is considered the sign of a true blood by the firre.

It’s often easy to spot a firre among other eladrin—their hair and skin are brightly-coloured, their voices are enchanting, and their pockets are usually overflowing with trinkets and tools. They travel alone or in troupes, serving as minstrels, portraitists or teachers. Many firres love to visit the Prime, where they might act as muses for unknowing authors. Despite being arguably the greatest artists in the Multiverse, they also understand how important it is to recognise the beauty in any kind of art. Most firres have no interest in combat and prefer to flee it in their alternate form, which varies but generally looks like an intangible multicoloured pillar of light or fire. Some firre, however, even treat combat as a form of art. These cutters can be a terrifying force, achieving a stunning level of mastery over their preferred fighting style. Encounters with these firres caused some Clueless to classify them as “greater eladrin” (as if there were lesser ones, ha!)

Stats: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2 [2e] p32; Manual of the Planes [3e] p162; Book of Exalted Deeds [3e] p169; Manual of the Planes [5e] p353; Creature Codex [PF1e] (as firre); Bestiary 5 [PF1e] p39 (as raelis); Monster Core [PF2e] p34 (as kanya)


A floral shiere eladrin

Alternate form: a streak of sparks

Shiere (shee-AIR) are thought to reflect Arvandor in a same way as novieres and bralani represent Aquallor and Mithardir respectively. They inhabit the vast wilderness of forests and hills of Arborea (and sometimes visit the Beastlands, Ysgard and the Prime), forming small communities. Shieres are among the more “normal” eladrin, in that they’re somewhat similar to typical woodland elves of the Prime. These celestials tend to be tall and thin, able to hide their slender bodies behind trees with ease. Shieres are defined by their love for nature, even though not all of them are as protective of it as, let’s say, denizens of the Beastlands. They possess extensive wilderness knowledge though, promote thoughtfulness towards natural resources, and resist over-hunting and over-farming. The shieres are one of the reasons why Arborea isn’t all covered with fields and farms.

One well-known trait of shieres is the deep bonds they form with their mounts—most often horses, but many other creatures will happily serve as a shiere companion. The shiere treat their mounts as partners, and their bond is so strong, they’re able to share some spell effects between them. Shieres can be called upon by ghaele, shiradi or tulani, for Arvandor is a dangerous place, and the shieres possess valuable skills from their experiences fighting monsters. Many shieres will pledge their loyalties to a tulani court, and promise their help in an hour of dire need. Shieres rarely use their alternate form (a bright streak of sparks, that doesn’t set things on fire, but does burn enemies) since it requires a lot of energy, although the sparkform can be used to rapidly clear huge distances.

Stats: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2 [2e] p35; Manual of the Planes [5e] p356; Creature Chronicle [PF1e]

Aeolaeka and Laene

Also known as stone azata

A statuesque aeolaeka eladrin

Aeolaekas (ay-oh-LAY-ka) live among earth and stone, being among the least common eladrin on Arborea, as they prefer Nidavellir and the Plane of Earth. They draw inspiration from the infinite diversity and beauty of this element, but also from its incredibly slow movement and metamorphosis. They alternate forms are masses of liquid metal that can slip through little cracks or solidify to take a hit. Aeolaekas are typically slow, ponderous and patient, which makes them perfect stonecutters and jewellers. But they are also capable of decisive action, and will use their hammers, should the need arise. Laenes (lay-NAY) are a sub-Aestetica of aeolaekas. They take a lot after Ysgardian dwarves, often growing out their beards and almost always working with metals. Aeolaekas and laenes create magical items that shine with the mutable power of their homes.

Alternate form: a blob of liquid metal

Stats: Netbook of Celestials [2e] (laene); Monster Core [PF2e] p35 (aeolaeka)


A protective ghaele eladrin

Also known as crusader azata †

Alternate form: a globe of light

Among all eladrin, ghaeles (GALE) are perhaps the most good. Every Aestetica of eladrin has a fantasy they embody, and for the ghaele that’s the powerful ideal of protecting the innocent. Ghaeles are not as focused on self-expression as other eladrin (though they are still flamboyant compared with archons, though frankly who isn’t?), and are more likely to adopt with the typical ‘pretty elf with flowing hair’ look. They are also one of the Aestetica who rarely stay on Arborea, instead preferring to roam the Prime as knights-errant, rescuing berks in need, guiding mortals and generally making a stand against tyranny. Ghaeles who stay on Arvandor tend to act as guards and protectors. Often there’s ar least one ghaele living in each eladrin community, and they keep close contact with other ghaeles in case of emergency.

Most other eladrin adore ghaeles, but they themselves tend to suffer from hopelessness and depression after facing up against many of the injustices of the multiverse. Fortunately, ghaeles are able to keep these feelings at bay by spreading the ideals of freedom and resistance. They are expert warriors and great tacticians, able to effectively utilise spells like wall of force during battle. They also make charismatic leaders, who are able to disperse conflicts with diplomacy as well as by force.

The alternative form of ghaeles is a globe of light that flies with great speed and fires destructive rays as it travels. In this form, a ghaele is still able to concentrate on spells, but not cast them, so they tend to fight in their humanoid form.

Stats: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2 [2e] p33; Monster Manual [3e] 94; Manual of the Planes [5e] p354; Bestiary [PF1e] p24; Bestiary [PF2e] p33


Also known as witch eladrin

Alternate form: a puff of colourful smoke

Litriti (lit-REE-tee) choose magic as their preferred mode of self-expression. They are bright, wear extravagant clothes and magical trinkets, from powerful amulets to almost-useless wondrous items. Litriti do not learn magic the way regular wizards do, instead they master innate eladrin spells. In many ways they’re similar to mortal sorcerers—for example they are able to manifest some metamagic effects without needing extra energy to do so. You can be sure that each litriti will have learned different spells to the next—some prefer colourful and exciting fireballs, while others employ flashy illusions or mysterious divinations. Many are partial to building golems or constructing automatons to perform tedious repetitive tasks for them. Due to their chaotic energies, those constructs often develop consciousness whether or not they were meant to. In eladrin, society litriti are drawn to larger groups, and tend to attach themselves to tulani courts. They often embark on grand projects like building mansions, though they do not always have the staying power to actually finish them. The litriti’s alternative form is a puff of colourful, if noxious, smoke.

Stats: Homebrew eladrin, coming soon

Shiradi and Prydanu

The mighty shiradi eladrin

Alternate form: a cloud of golden shards

If litriti pursue magical mastery, then shiradi (she-RAH-dee) focus on physical might. They love to push the boundaries of what the eladrin form is capable of achieving, and manifest as large (more than 8 feet in height) and winged muscular celestials. They’re among the only eladrin who have corporeal wings strong enough to actually lift them off the ground. Shiradi work hard to improve themselves and are always proud of their accomplishments, but they’re by no means vain (at least, not all of them are). They are always ready to join other celestials in their crusades against evil. Many cutters assume shiradi are dim-witted and reckless, but they can be wise in unexpected ways, and are always able to quickly assess a threatening situation. Yes, they tend to jump in the middle of the fight, but this is mostly because they know they’ll be reborn in Arborea should the worst happen. Many shiradi use enchanted spiked chains as weapons, perhaps to emulate Galinneiros, their representative in the Court of Stars, but other weapons like hammers and swords are not unknown. Their alternate form is a cloud of triangular golden shards that slice those caught up in their storm. Prydanu (pre-DAH-noo) are a similar Aescetica, who live on Aquallor and can swim as well as they can fly, and are experts at underwater combat.

Stats: Book of Exalted Deeds [3e] p170; Creature Chronicle [PF1e] (shiradi), Beyond the Veiled Past [PF1e] p84 (prydanu)

Brijidine and Sirocco

A sirocco eladrin

Also known as flame or lava azata

Alternate form: a storm of fire or magma

Sirocco (si-ROCK-oh) eladrin claim flame as their domain. They emerged from bralani who’d decided to explore Muspelheim and fell in love with its flickering fires. Sirocco are often called by other eladrin when destruction is needed—they are passionate, even ferocious, when crossed. At the same time, they bring the heat to eladrin parties with their energetic dancing and impressive fire magics. The elemental form of sirocco is a flaming whirlwind. Brijidine (bridge-ee-DEEN) eladrin are a more modest sub-Aestetica of sirocco, who mix their flames with rock. They prefer to live among magma on volcanic islands around Mount Ossa, and their forms resemble a tornado of magma droplets. Both sirocco and brijidine love everything energetic, and all things related to fire, especially poetry and spicy food.

Stats: Netbook of Celestials [2e] (sirocco); Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p37


The verdant veranallia eladrin

Also known as rebirth azata †

Alternate form: a far-sprawling net of roots

Many eladrin wisely care for the nature around them, but veranallias (veh-ran-AY-lee-ah) take this a step further. They become not just guardians of their biomes, but builders of them. The body of a typical veranallia is a mass of their favourite kind of plant matter, that writhes around them, both blooming and rotting. Veranallias embody chaotic nature of, well, nature itself, constantly being reborn in a new form. They are the ones called upon by other celestial courts to heal the damage done to the Upper Planes by fiends. Yet they are fickle to work with—veranallias see their ecosystems as works of art, and they care not a bit for practicality. No veranallia will grab a set of plants from one place and build a simple garden—no, they may collect succulents and shrubs from Mithardir and Mertion, mysterious lichens from the Plane of Earth and even specimens from the Lower Planes to grow alongside each other in a never-before-seen environment. This, along with veranallias’ tendency to get defensive about their artistic choices, has earned them the reputation of being fickle and unpredictable even when compared with other eladrin. However, everyone on Arborea appreciates the veranallias for what they are able to do—not to mention the powerful magic that they might offer adventurers who bring them an interesting plant or animal. That isn’t to say veranallias do not understand or do not care about the necessary balance that must exist in nature. In fact, they have a supernatural ability to assess the ecological needs and consequences of any creature when they assume their alternate form—a giant net of fungi-like gyphae that spreads through entire forests.

Stats: Bestiary 6 [PF1e] p34; Bestiary 2 [PF2e] p31


A regal tulani eladrin

Also known as noble azata

Alternate form: a ball of rainbow colours

And finally, the nobles. Every planar race has some high-ups between the common folk and proper god-like overlords. Balor, ushers, pit fiends, thrones, aurumachs — you get it. The eladrin call them tulani (too-LAH-nee). But how can a race defined by love of freedom even have authority? Well, unlike every other Aestetica, an eladrin can’t just will themselves into becoming tulani (this ain’t the Abyss, after all). They have to be considered wise, brave and noble by other eladrin—not all of them mind, but a substantial number of communities. Even then, not all loved and respected eladrin choose to shift into tulani, as this title entails constant responsibility and high expectations. Moreover, since the tulani’s Aestetica is ultimately determined by societal opinion of them, they have less of a say in their own appearance. Tulani are typically slender elf-like humanoids with starry clothing and surrounded by a shimmering aura of light. But as a payoff for these restrictions is tremendous power. Since tulani are held up by belief of many creatures, they are able to achieve much more than any other individual eladrin. They are very strong (despite their appearance), smart and charismatic. While perhaps not as physically powerful as pit fiends and balors, they far exceeded them in magical might, being able to cast spells up to ninth level. In a fight, tulani could instantly create a longsword of brilliant light that deals radiant damage. Their alternate form is made of rainbow colours. It can fly and project hypnotic lights that incapacitate creatures who look upon them.

Tulani are usually viewed by communities of eladrin as their rulers. They protect their domains and help to solve disputes, however, they do not have much political power, and any eladrin is free to leave them at any moment. If a tulani does something that makes other eladrin lose their trust in them, they risk losing their powers and their title. Tulani prefer to stay in Arborea in their courts, which are magical travelling realms, protected by enchantments.

Stats: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2 [2e] p36; Book of Exalted Deeds [3e] p171; Manual of the Planes [5e] p357; Creature Chronicle [PF1e]

Source: Margarita, loosely based on Monstrous Compendium Planescape Appendix II [2e]; Book of Exalted Deeds [3e]; Bestiary 2 [PF1e]; Monster Core [PF2e]; Jon Winter-Holt

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