She Who Sees, Snakebinder. LE demipower of oracles, prophecy, sight, fate (She/Her)
Pantheon: Orcish
Symbol: A snake’s skeleton
Realm: Acheron / Avalas / Nishrek (part of Gruumsh’s court)
Eldest child of Gruumsh and Luthic, Nurva was born in the wake of Gruumsh losing his eye, born of his rage and pain and Luthic’s desire to see that her mate was provided with that which he needed most to take his revenge. The child she bore was utterly unlike their expectations—a female, missing her lower jaw, blind in both eyes. Yet when Gruumsh moved to slay her with his mighty spear, the babe easily avoided his every blow. Her voice slid into his mind, telling her father that she was Need, and Need paid now would be repaid in time one hundredfold. Though he struggled with his akh, Gruumsh allowed her to grow and thrive, and his eldest child became the eye he had lost, providing with her wisdom a window into the future of the orcish race.
Nurva’s foresight allowed Gruumsh to discover and eliminate his prospective challengers before they could become a threat, and her ominous and mutilated silhouette in the court of Nishrek gives pause to others who might have similar ambitions. Nurva has few shamans, and they have a bad reputation for sabotaging their warchiefs—in reality, of course, they choose such courses of action as will best benefit the orc band, even if it would undermine the warchief. Unthanked, unloved, and often deeply resented, Nurva is nonetheless a crucial custodian of her people and is called on when all else fails.
Source: Afroakuma