The Sharkslayer. NE demipower of the sea, pursuit, mercilessness (She/He)
Pantheon: Orcish
Symbol: A dagger stabbed through a fish skull
Realm: Carceri / Porphatys / Deepstrike
Daughter of Gruumsh and Luthic, Nabassh had little room to distinguish herself next to the brutal chaos of her stupid elder brother. Considering her a potential mate for Ilneval to keep his lieutenant in line, Gruumsh joked that she could be goddess of mercy, meaning the taking of slaves from the conquered. His daughter did not take his meaning, however, reasoning that a true conqueror shows no mercy. She came to her father and asked him if it would be merciful to let any elf thrive beyond the reach of the orcs, and he was deeply insulted. Then she pointed to the children of Deep Sashelas, the aquatic elves, and reminded her father that no orc dwelled in the depths. Gruumsh realised her point and asked his shamans to nominate a warchief to lead a band of transformed orcs to settle beneath the waves and purge the seas of elvenkind. One bold warchief stepped up immediately and received the gift of Gruumsh—imagine the surprise of the One-Eyed God when he discovered Nabassh behind the facade! With his gaze fixed in hatred on the aquatic elves, he had not seen through his daughter’s plan, nor her disguise as a male.
Nabassh led the first aquatic orcs beneath the waves, finding conflict with not only the aquatic elves, but also locathah, merfolk, sahuagin, and others. Her people tried to ally with the sahuagin against the elves, only to be mercilessly rebuffed by the sea devils. Incensed, Nabassh led her people to the cold depths, where they took the frightening creatures of the deep as their inspiration and plotted to strike up from the dark against those who had once again refused to give the orcish race the respect they deserve. Nabassh alternates between male and female depictions in religion, with surface orcs often considering her male, though debate continues. She is recognised as not only a sea deity, but also the goddess of pursuit, mercilessness, retreat and regrouping, and guardianship of territory. Gruumsh, for his part, remains deeply impressed by the Sharkslayer’s ambition, confidence, and trickery; however, his bruised pride and stubbornness prevent him from considering her a potential successor, and she remains a demigoddess. Her divine realm, Deepstrike, is located in an uncommonly deep reach of a sphere on Porphatys, fifth layer of Carceri.
Source: Afroakuma