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Paracletus Aeon
Explorers of mortal experiences of logic and emotion
LN; CR 2 [PF1e]

Paracletus aeons are striking in appearance, manifesting as a radiant and ever-shifting cluster of shimmering lights surrounded by orbiting vibrant crystals and gemstones. These crystals are each said to represent a solidified aspect of logic, while the glowing lights of their central mass embody raw emotions. Despite their ethereal appearance, the paracletus’ central form is solid, feeling like electrified flesh to the touch. If a paracletus is destroyed, its physical components—both the crystals and the glowing vapours—fade into nothingness, just like the transient and intangible nature of the emotions and thoughts they embody.
The paracletus are a part of the aeons’ mission to maintain balance in the multiverse. Created by the Monad, these aeons were designed to study and understand how emotions influence mortal free will and decision-making. This role takes them across the planes, in search of mortals with exceptional emotional or intellectual capacities—paracletus seek out cutters whose actions and choices may have far-reaching consequences. These aeons are unique among their kind for their personal focus on individual mortals rather than observing broader cosmic phenomena.
Philosophically, paracletus are fascinated by the duality of logic and emotion. They observe how mortals balance these often-opposing forces, sometimes intervening by manipulating cutters’ emotions to study how external influences affect mortal behaviour. Each paracletus embodies a specific pair of opposing emotions—such as hope and despair, or love and hate—and they can project an aura that amplifies one of these feelings in nearby creatures. While mortals may perceive this intervention as random, capricious, or even unwelcome, it is apparently guided by the aeon’s inscrutable reasoning, which aligns with the the monitors’ broader goal of understanding and preserving balance.
Paracletus are both subtle observers, and if necessary, forces to be reckoned with. Their emotion aura ability can influence creatures within 30 feet, potentially altering their mood. This ability can be helpful or harmful depending on circumstances, but it always serves the paracletus’s goal of studying mortals. If forced into combat, a paracletus can defend itself by slamming into opponents with its crystalline body or discharging an electrical jolt. However, it tries to avoid direct conflict whenever possible, preferring to influence situations indirectly through emotional manipulation or to retreat if overwhelmed.
For planewalkers encountering one of these aeons, understanding its motivations and methods is essential. Paracletus are not hostile by nature but are deeply interested in observing and influencing emotional dynamics. They often attach themselves to mortals they find intriguing, remaining nearby—or hidden—to study their decisions and behaviours over time. Paracletus can also serve as familiars for spellcasters who they find interesting enough; in such cases, they continue their studies while assisting their masters. Planewalkers should approach these beings with caution and respect, recognising that while their interventions may seem arbitrary or disruptive, they are part of a genuine effort to understand and maintain balance in the multiverse.
Sources: Bestiary2 [PF1e] p11. Canonwatch: Paracletus have not yet been converted to PF2e rules. The name of the paracletus derives from the Greek (παράκλητος), meaning ‘comforter’ or ‘helper’.