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Caen Aeon
Who monitor the balance between flame and ice
LN; CR 10 [PF1e]

Caen aeons, often called “frostfire aeons” or “manitres,” are serpentine beings that embody the cosmic balance between heat and cold, as well as the immense energy released when these opposites collide. Their shimmering forms are composed of equal parts fire and ice, with a misty, steamy body that occasionally crackles with static energy. They glide smoothly over the ground on a trail of crystal, their featureless heads appearing as spheres of liquid fire intertwined with unmelting ice shards. From their bodies sprout arm-like tendrils of flame and frost, which they use to interact with their surroundings. Rarely encountered by mortals, caens focus their efforts on cosmic-scale disruptions of fire and ice, appearing only in cataclysmic events large enough to draw their attention to the Prime Material Plane.
The origin of caens is tied to their role as guardians of energy and equilibrium. They are most often found at the borders of the Elemental Planes or in locations where elemental forces clash dramatically, such as celestial bodies, or interplanar conduits. Caens are also known to frequent sites of extreme natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions melting glaciers, where their presence ensures that neither heat nor cold dominates unnaturally. These beings are rarely seen in mundane settings, as their purpose is tied to grander cosmic scales rather than individual mortal concerns.
Philosophically, caens embody the duality of energy itself, seeking to maintain balance between fire and ice without favouring one side over the other. They act impartially, mitigating excesses of either force wherever they arise. For example, they might quell a raging wildfire that threatens to consume an ecosystem or counteract an unnatural glacial expansion caused by magical interference. Their actions are driven by a deep understanding of the interdependence of environments; without cold to temper it, fire becomes destructive, and without heat to counterbalance it, cold becomes stifling. Caens operate on this principle of equilibrium, ensuring that energy flows harmoniously across the multiverse.
The abilities of a caen reflect its mastery over the interplay of heat and cold. Its Freezing Flame ability entangles creatures struck by both its fiery and icy touches in burning ice, dealing simultaneous fire and cold damage until the victim escapes. It can also unleash an Icy Flame Ray, which combines both elements into a ranged attack with similar entangling effects. The caen’s Lightning Leap allows it to transform into a bolt of lightning travelling instantaneously across distances while dealing damage to those in its path. Additionally, its Absorb Lightning ability enables it to become incorporeal and heal from electrical attacks instead of taking damage.
For planewalkers who encounter a caen aeon, understanding its intention is crucial for avoiding conflict or gaining its cooperation. These beings are not inherently hostile but will act decisively against those who disrupt the balance they protect—whether through magical manipulation or natural excesses. Their presence often signals a larger cosmic imbalance is at play, making them harbingers of significant elemental events.
Sources: Wayfinder Bestiary [PF1e] p3
Canonwatch: Caen have not yet been converted to PF2e rules. Caen means ‘power’ in the context of the Gnostic religion. The Manitre is a homebrew aeon from the Creature Codex which has a similar theme, so I combined the two in this entry.