Powers Zilchus 2024-02-12 2024-02-17 Being the Infuential Oerdian Power of Jink, Prestige and Power #Intermediate Powers #Oerth Pantheon #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Wealth #Ringlands
Powers Gond 2024-01-07 2024-02-17 Being the Wonderbringer, the Essence of Inventive Craft #Artisan Powers #Faerûnian Pantheon #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Ringlands
Powers Chronepsis 2024-01-07 2024-02-17 Being the Silent Draconic Power of Fate, Time and Ultimately, Death #Aloof Powers #Draconic Pantheon #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Fate #Underlands #Underworld Powers
Powers Fharlanghn 2023-12-26 2024-03-10 Being the Power of Distant Horizons, Roads and Travelling Them #Intermediate Powers #Oerth Pantheon #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Travellers #Prime #Wandering
Powers Skoraeus Stonebones 2023-12-26 2024-03-10 Being a Solitary Wanderer of the Ordning, a Giant Power of Rock #Earth Powers #Giant #Intermediate Powers #Jotunheim #Mount Olympus #Ordning #Outlands #Powers #Powers of the Arts #Wandering #Ysgard
Powers Obad-Hai 2023-12-19 2024-01-02 Being the Wild Man Oerdian Power of Nature, Freedom and Hunting #Flan Powers #Intermediate Powers #Nature Powers #Oerth Pantheon #Outlands #Powers #Ringlands
Powers Sheela Peryroyl 2023-12-18 2024-04-08 Being the Halfling Power of Nature, Agriculture and Weather #Intermediate Powers #Nature Powers #Outlands #Powers #Ringlands #Sky Powers #Yondalla's Children
Powers Svantovit 2023-12-17 2024-01-02 Being the Slavic Power of Divination, Strength, and War #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Fate #Powers of War #Ringlands #Slavic Pantheon
Powers Cailleach 2023-12-12 2024-07-04 Being the Celtic Power of Winter Winds, Snow and Storms, both Creator and Destroyer #Celtic Pantheon #Gehenna #Intermediate Powers #Mungoth #Powers #Powers of Winter #Sky Powers #Welsh Powers