Powers Khors 2024-11-28 2024-12-09 Being the Slavic Crescent Moon #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Night Powers #Powers #Silver Sea #Slavic Pantheon #Threshold
Powers Bahamut 2023-08-29 2024-12-09 Being the Draco-Paladin, Lord of the North Wind, Platinum Dragon, King of the Good Dragons #Draconic Pantheon #Lesser Powers #Lunia #Mercuria #Mount Celestia #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Sky Powers #Solania #Venya
Powers Nikkal 2023-08-29 2024-12-09 Nikkal-wa-Ib, the Goddess of the Fruit #Lesser Powers #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Nature Powers #Night Powers #Powers #Ugaritic Pantheon
Powers The Shichifukujin 2023-08-29 2024-12-09 Being the Japanese Powers of Happiness #Japanese Pantheon #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Powers #Powers of Love
Powers Yarikh 2023-08-29 2024-12-09 Being the Lamp of the Heavens #Lesser Powers #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Night Powers #Powers #Ugaritic Pantheon
Powers Trishina 2023-08-29 2024-12-09 The Waverider, Mistress of Games, Joyswimmer, Dolphin Queen #Asathalfinare Pantheon #Lesser Powers #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Powers #Seldarine #Silver Sea #Water Powers
Powers Tyr 2023-08-17 2024-12-09 Being the Maimed God of Justice of the Norse Pantheon #Faerûnian Pantheon #Intermediate Powers #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Norse Pantheon #Powers #Powers of Justice #Ysgard
Powers Hakiyah 2023-08-17 2024-12-09 The Honest, Zakharan Power of Sea Breezes, Truth and Divination #Greater Powers #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Powers #Powers of Justice #Sky Powers #Zakharan Pantheon
Powers Brihaspati 2023-08-17 2024-12-09 Being the Teacher of the Gods #Intermediate Powers #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Vedic Pantheon