The Old Home of Fire
Location: Outlands / Hinterlands
Xiuhtecuhtli’s realm Hueuihcalli is far out in the Hinterlands, near as anyone can figure. As all the Aztec gods share aspects of one another, Xihtecuhtli’s relations include the god of crossroads and Huehueteotl, another older fire god. Strangely enough, Xiuhtecuhtli also has many ties to the high-up of the Aztec pantheon, Ometeotl.
Arriving in his realm for the first time, a visitor will find themselves on a neatly paved road in the middle of a steaming jungle. In fact, almost all of this power’s realm is a steamy jungle, inhabited by creatures of fire and claw. The roads here are said to lead nearly anywhere in the multiverse, but mostly to the elemental plane of Fire. Xiuhtecuhtli himself is completely unapproachable; a body will often see a huge flaming ziggurat off behind the trees, but if you try and approach it you’ll get given the runaround. You’ll encounter more roads, or the ziggurat might simply vanish behind the thick canopy of trees. Xiuhtecuhtli has very few petitioners, and no proxies that anyone knows of.
Source: Alex Roberts and Jon Winter-Holt