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Cake, Glorious Cake!
The anthem of the dreaded Coterie of Cakes. Audible glamer by Jon Winter-Holt. With apologies to Charles Dickens, or something. And probably Lewis Carroll too while we’re at it.
Download the mp3 here: https://mimir.net/wp-content/uploads/Cake_Glorious_Cake.mp3 |

Cake, Glorious Cake!
Cake, glorious cake,
It’s all you need to eat!
Flour, butter, sugar, egg
They make your life complete!
We’ve nibbled and tasted each crumb and slice,
From Mechanical sponge to Chamadian spice!
Even Abyssal donuts are quite nice!
Cake glorious cake!
Cake, marvellous cake,
Bake us a cake, make haste!
(More haste!)
Bund, carrot or tart,
We have little time to waste!
Red velvet, fondant, a heavenly word,
Chocolate, jam or perhaps lemon curd,
But rhyming with Battenberg? (Now that’s absurd!)
Cake, marvellous cake!
Cake, glorious cake,
Yes any time, any place!
Lemon drizzle, cheese cake
Bring it here, to stuff in my face!
Factions they squabble about what they know,
But we’ve found the truth, and it’s make of dough!
Gingerbread, brioche, I call it gateaux!
Cake, glorious cake!
Now let’s debate scones, (scones!) a topic contentious,
Is it jam or cream first, oh don’t get pretentious!
The brownies say jam, but sprites shout cream
But so long as it’s sweet, then it’s all a dream!
Cupcakes, eclairs, gingerbread, sfouf!,
Clafoutis so juicy — now ain’t that the truth?
I’d murder a sod for a nice croquembouche!
Cake, glorious cake!
We’re stuck here in Sigil, lost in the sprawl,
But the cake here’s so rich, we don’t mind at all!
You’ll find devil’s food cake without any fuss
Approved by baatezu? Good enough for us!
Dustmen may mope, and the Sensates might rave,
But it’s our sodding cake, that everyone craves!
Moon cake, babka or pan de muerto,
Crumpet, genoise, or just potato!
Lava cake, bibingka, I like a rough puff!
Meringue, savarin, or a warm gugelhupf!
The sprites say cream, but the brownies say jam,
But so long as it’s sweet, then who gives a damn!
Cake glorious cake!