Brix’s Cage Tavern Crawl
BBrriixxss CCaaggee TTaavveerrnn CCrraawwll

Brix’s Cage Tavern Crawl

Brix’s Cage Tavern Crawl

Welcome the only guide that’ll tell you the straight chant when it comes to wetting your whistle in the City of Doors. Listen up, cutter, ’cause what we got here ain’t yer typical marketing pamphlet penned by the likes of Harys Hatchis. No, this is a brutally honest tour of Sigil’s many drinkin’ holes, from the high and mighty spots in the Lady’s Ward to the seedy dives where even a Dustman’d think twice ’bout raising a glass.

You’re in Sigil, the centre of the multiverse, or so we like to tell ourselves. And while that might sound grand and all, the honest truth is that even the grandest burg’s got its dark corners and dodgy establishments. But fret not! Whether you’re lookin’ for an exotic brew from the Elemental Planes, a glass of somethin’ that’ll strip the rust off a modron, or just a cosy spot to contemplate the meaninglessness of existence, this guide’s got you covered.

So kick back and ask this trusty mimir anything on this bar-crawlin’ odyssey. I’ll be sharin’ first-hand accounts, hidden gems, and a dash of philosophic mumblings ’bout the nature of intoxication—or existence, depending on how many pints you’ve had. Maybe even some menus. ‘Cause, let’s face it, a tavern’s more than just a place to drown yer sorrows or celebrate yer victories; it’s a microcosm of Sigil itself, a meeting place of ideas, folks, and, yes, sometimes fists. But remember, whether yer a seasoned planewalker or a fresh-from-the-portal prime, a night out in the Cage ain’t for the faint of heart. So grab yer jinkpurse, put on yer thickest skin, and let’s hit the bars. Cheers—or whatever passes for ‘cheers’ where you come from!


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