Coteries Cutters Philosophies The Speakers of All 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Who seek to Cause the End Times by Speaking All the Names of the Powers #Coteries #Doomguard #Half-Elves
Coteries Cutters Philosophies The Sign of Zero 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Being a Failed Signer Who Imagines Things Away #Coteries #Cutters #Doomguard #Githyanki
Coteries Cutters Philosophies The Etchers 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Who are Artists and Sculptors of Decay #Coteries #Cutters #Doomguard #Succubi #Tanar'ri
Coteries Philosophies The Society of Capricious Law 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Who Say Laws Stem from Chaos, and Seek to Predict Planar Calamities using Chaos-Born Formulae #Coteries #Doomguard #Philosophies
Coteries The Apologists 2023-10-10 2024-07-05 Being a Segment of the Bleak Cabal who’re Sorry, so very, very truly Sorry #Bleak Cabal #Coteries #Gatehouse
Coteries The Monotheist Conspiracy 2023-10-10 2024-12-09 Being a Conspiracy Theory Concerning the Real Nature of the Great Unknown #Athar #Coteries
Coteries Seekers of the Truth 2023-10-10 2024-07-05 Being an Argument that the Great Unknown it Itself Fundamentally Unknowable #Athar #Coteries #Cutters #Visionaries
Coteries The Necroalchemists 2023-10-09 2024-07-05 An Athar Denier who Claims the Undead are not Really Dead at All #Athar #Coteries #Cutters #Sigil #Tieflings
Coteries Cutters The Faceless One 2023-09-24 2025-01-28 Who has Come to Terms with Who They are only by Forgetting Their Own Identity #Bleak Cabal #Coteries #Githzerai #Sigil #Visionaries