


Lady of Reason, Goddess of the Sun, Avanalae, Lana, Vani. LN Greater power of the sun, reason and magic (She/Her)

Pantheon: Cerilian 

Realm: Mechanus / The Gleaming Spire

Symbol: The setting sun

Proxies: None known

Avani, the Lady of Reason, shines as one of the mightiest powers of Mechanus, embodying the concepts of exacting clarity and unyielding brilliance. Her light is as much a beacon of understanding as one of warmth. She views the multiverse through lenses of logic and purpose, valuing order and structure with the same steady reliability as the eternal sun itself. While her light may bring life, in return she demands respect for the illumination it brings and its power to dispel doubt and fear. Mortals who seek her blessing do so under the understanding that Avani offers clarity, not comforting illusions; she dispels the fog of ignorance and shines upon all that lurks in shadow, revealing the truth warts and all.

The Lady of Reason is steadfast, consistent, and precise—she has little patience for chaos and subjective whims that can often cloud the judgment of mortals. Her sense of reason is unbreakable, just like the certainty that day always follows night. Those who pray to her know they can expect guidance marked by fairness but also a tempered sense of mercy. Avani’s divine logic doesn’t easily bend to emotion or circumstance, but it does recognise the wisdom in nurturing growth. Thus, her favoured disciples are often those who balance their intellect with responsibility, holding fast to the values of truth, learning, and the betterment of society.

Avani embodies the dual aspects of the sun: the life-giver and the relentless fire. In her nurturing form, Avani brings bounty, growth, and discovery. As the unyielding flame, she demands discipline and punishes indolence, knowing that strength tempered by clarity yields the purest kind of power. Her followers, particularly the primes known as Khinasi, venerate her as both mother and judge—a deity who shows compassion and calculation in equal measure. Just as the sun touches all parts of the world, her doctrine teaches that truth, like sunlight, cannot be hoarded by one group alone. It must be shared with all. 

As the counterpart to Ruornil, the Cerilian moon god, Avani represents the open, knowable world, while Ruornil presides over secrets, magic, and mysteries. Their connection is one of balance, where light and dark uphold the cosmic order, though Avani is the more assertive of the two. Her marriage to Erik, the god of nature, reflects the synergy between life-giving sunlight and the natural world’s cycles. Together, they nurture life across Cerilia, with Avani providing the warmth needed for growth and Erik the grounding wisdom of the earth.

Canonical Sources: On Hallowed Ground [2e] p162,179; Birthright Campaign Setting [2e].

Source: Jon Winter-Holt

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