Powers Itzamna 2024-10-20 2025-03-22 Being the Sovereign Plumed Serpent, Supreme Power of the Maya Pantheon #Father Powers #Greater Powers #Maya Pantheon #Mechanus #Pantheon Leaders #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Ysgard
Powers Thoth 2024-02-18 2024-02-19 Being the Scribe and most Know’d of the Gods #Egyptian Pantheon #Lesser Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Ringlands
Powers Zurrog 2024-02-18 2024-07-05 Being the Tale of the Travels and Travails of the Orcish Power of Wisdom and Knowledge #Bytopia #Demipowers #Orc Powers #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Shurrock
Powers Shekinester 2024-02-15 2025-01-28 Being the Complex and Unpredictable Creator-Destroyer Power of the Naga #Creator Powers #Greater Powers #Outlands #Pantheon of Scalykind #Powers #Powers of Entropy #Powers of Wisdom #Ringlands #Triple Powers
Powers Gilean 2023-12-19 2024-02-17 Being the Power of Knowledge, and the Keeper of the True Names #Greater Powers #Krynnish Pantheon #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Ringlands
Powers Annam 2023-12-19 2024-03-25 Being the Solitary, Hermit Power who is the King of the Ordning #Aloof Powers #Creator Powers #Demiplanes #Greater Powers #Ordning #Outlands #Pantheon Leaders #Powers #Powers of Magic #Powers of Wisdom #Supreme Powers
Powers Ceridwen 2023-12-12 2024-03-10 Being the Celtic Power of Inspiration, both a Hag and a Muse #Celtic Pantheon #Demipowers #Night Hags #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Ringlands #Tir na Og #Wandering #Welsh Powers
Powers Oghma 2023-12-02 2024-10-20 The Binder, Celtic and Faerûnian Power of Speech #Celtic Pantheon #Faerûnian Pantheon #Greater Powers #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Tir na Og #Tuatha de Danann
Powers Bahamut 2023-08-29 2024-12-09 Being the Draco-Paladin, Lord of the North Wind, Platinum Dragon, King of the Good Dragons #Draconic Pantheon #Lesser Powers #Lunia #Mercuria #Mount Celestia #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Sky Powers #Solania #Venya