Passion Unquenched
Realm of Baalibastus
Location: Beastlands / Brux
The realm reflects Baalibastus‘ indomitable spirit, if not her current precarious state. Volcanoes erupt not with molten death but with sparks of creation, birthing islands of verdant life amidst seas of flame. Forests of fire-resistant blooms and trees shimmer with heat, their beauty a testament to resilience. The animals here, from majestic fire-maned lions to phoenixes, embody the realm’s wild heart.
The petitioners of Passion Unquenched are those rare and outcast orcs who, in life, dared to worship Baalibastus, defying Gruumsh’s edicts. They are the artists, the lovers, the caretakers—those who saw beyond the rage and ugliness, who nurtured the sparks of passion and beauty in their souls. Here, they tend to the eternal flames of love, guiding new arrivals and teaching them the ancient ways of Baalibastus.
Life in Passion Unquenched is a vibrant celebration of all that Baalibastus holds dear. Her petitioners, transformed into animals and birds of flame, engage in fiery dances that tell stories of love and loss, create art that captures the realm’s stunning beauty, and defend its myriad unique plants and creatures. The bravest also venture into other planes on missions to rescue those orcish souls that still flicker with the light of love, tracking them down in the Underlands and bringing them to Passion Unquenched before they can be snatched up by the more aggressive orcish powers.
However, their existence in this paradise is not without sorrow. The knowledge of their goddess’ betrayal and their separation from their kin weigh heavily upon them. Yet, it is this very tragedy that binds them closer to their unconscious goddess Baalibastus, their shared suffering a forge for their unbreakable bond.
Source: Chris ‘Orc Friend’ Nichols and Jon Winter-Holt