Bridge of Skulls

With a name that’s as charming as that, how can you not want to use this ominous crossing near the infamous burg of Broken Reach? Picture a bridge that stretches across a fetid river, clogged with floating bones bleached white by the heat. It’s not just any bridge, mind you – it’s called the Bridge of Skulls for a reason. The ground beneath your feet is a mosaic of bone fragments, the crushed remains of poor souls who thought they could outwit the Abyss and were wrong.
Now, here’s the twist – this bridge is said to hold a hidden gate to Vudra, layer 531 of the Abyss and the realm of the marilith. It was once described as “a dismal agglomeration of tropical islands choked with impenetrable jungles and surrounded by oceans of heaving blood”. The only thing standing between you and this delightful place are the two armanite tanar’ri charged with guarding the gate – creatures that are as prickly as a porcupine and much more deadly. Chant goes that one of them can be reasoned with, if you’ve got the right kind of garnish. But the second one will attack if you even dare to open your mouth to speak to it. How do you tell which one is which? No idea, cutter. Good luck!
Sources: Dungeon Magazine #60, p32 (adventure: Nemesis);