The Trembling Road, the Rainbow Bridge
Bifrost is a marvel that connects the Ysgardian realms of the Aesir and Vanir, the Norse powers, to the Prime Material Plane. It’s a celestial causeway between the divine and the mortal, a bridge of infinite hues that stretches from Himinborg in Asgard to a chosen world on the Prime. But this bridge isn’t for just anyone. Oh no, it’s as picky as a pentadrone when it comes to who gets to tread upon it.
Imagine this: a rainbow that’s more colourful than a bard’s most bawdy tale, with hues of magenta, yellow, and cyan. To those stood on the Prime, it looks like a shimmering ribbon of light, arching from the ground to a distant cloud. It stands tall and unyielding, even as it appears to tremble and shudder in the celestial winds. But it ain’t your common or garden rainbow; a blood stepping on it with confidence will find they can climb it. Walking on Bifrost feels like stepping along a road of glass prisms, their light sparkling and shifting like the facets of a gem.
But don’t let its beauty fool you; Bifrost is a formidable guardian too. It’s impervious to magic and physical forces, and it dampens the powers of any basher trying to traverse it. Fortunately, trips on the Rainbow Bridge are swift, lasting only one to six hours. And don’t forget, it’s a journey best saved for the daytime, for Bifrost is only visible when the sun graces the sky.
Now, here’s the catch: only those with some kind of faith in the Norse powers can set foot on Bifrost. Non-believers will find it slipping away, like a shadow in the night. And if you’re a giant, you’d best steer well clear. The bridge has a disdain for frost giants, burning them like a fireball, and freezing their cousins the fire giants. Undead are obliterated by the brilliance of Bifrost. Its colourful light acts like a celestial purifier, cleansing the bridge of all that’s unholy.
Heimdall, that watchful guardian power, stands ever-vigilant over Bifrost. The bridge acts upon his command, extending where he wills. It can touch a single Prime Material world at a time. The sagas speak of Heimdall summoning the Trembling Road in times of need, even during the darkest hours of night.
Intriguingly, the shamen of the trollish fensir people have learned to conjure Bifrost themselves, granting planewalkers passage to worlds where the Norse powers are worshipped. Their trick here is landing them the right garnish to perform the ritual. It’s a path to be taken judiciously, for Heimdall’s gaze is always upon the bridge, and those who tread upon Bifrost must have the faith to light their way.
Canonical Sources:
- Deities & Demigods [3e] p164-165 (brief mention)
- On Hallowed Ground [2e] p140 (who can travel on BIfrost),146 (Heimdall)
- Planes of Chaos: Book of Chaos [2e] p104 (effect on warding spells), 112-115 (Plains of Ida, Vigrid, Heimdall’s duty), 114 (main entry on Bifrost)
- Planescape Campaign Setting: DMs Guide [2] p64 (brief mention)
Source: Jon Winter-Holt,