Julera Twice-Crowned

The Lord of the Gate. LG archon empyreal lord (she/her).
Julera [jool-AIR-uh] Twice-Crowned is a celestial force to be reckoned with who’s got Lunia under her watchful eye. As the Lord of the Gate, Julera ain’t just any celestial, berk. She’s got a role that’s as crucial as the Prime Vallation itself. Her responsibility? To be the Gatekeeper, the one who stands guard to ward Lunia and therefore Mount Celestia against the taint of corruption, evil, and impurity. She stands watch at Heaven’s Gate, keep her inscrutable gaze on the petitioners and especially visitors who pass through from Threshold into the Upper Slopes of Lunia Proper. She’s got a knack for sniffing out the impure of heart, and her watchful eye rarely misses a trick. Only those whose hearts are pure, whose intentions are noble (or have some very powerful cloaking magicks) can hope to pass through her vigilant scrutiny.
Why ‘twice-crowned’? Well cutter, it’s a mark of her authority in the Celestial Host. Chat goes she received her first crown when she was elevated to the status of empyreal lord, and the second to mark her bravery in battle on a Lower Planar Crusade. While her crusading days are over now, she still commands enormous respect from archons and aasimon alike, and her appointment as Lord of the Gate marks her as one of the empyreal lords to be reckoned with.
Canonical Reference: Heaven Unleashed (Pathfinder 1e) p5 (mention).