The Common Sense
Coterie of the Sensates
This group is a fraction of the Society of Sensation that has learned of Checker’s goals and basically agrees with them. The members of this group realise that how a body experiences the multiverse is coloured by that body’s own past experiences, personal biases, and the nature of their sensory organs. Thus, they seek to determine what is real in the multiverse not solely on their own, but to share experiences and learn from others. They seek to define reality based on what is common in the experiences of all.
Like Checker, the Common Sense are obsessed with the Sensoria, and often spend hours of every day wrapped up in the senses of other cutters. Recently they’ve arranged a special deal with Factol Erin; while the Sensoria usually close to the general public late in the evening, the Common Sense are allowed to continue their voyages of discovery right through the night.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt