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Div, Taromaiti
The Gorgons of Hate and Malice
NE; CR 17 [PF1e]

These grotesque enormous creatures resemble giant slugs who can walk upright, with arms and legs protruding from their bloated bodies. They ooze slime as they move, and are surprisingly swift despite their slug-like appearance and bulk. Their undersides feature a massive gaping maw, while their stalked eyes glint with a sinister light. Taromaiti are divs of pure spite, often called “gorgons of hate and malice” for their utterly negative outlook on life, but also on account of their petrifying gaze. Victims turned to stone by a taromaiti endure a tormenting existence, their minds trapped within their stony prison, bombarded by hateful thoughts. Even those restored to flesh are permanently scarred or warped by the experience. Taromaiti despise all creatures, including other divs, often gathering to plot petty torments and bicker among themselves. They loathe rhythm and rhyme, with music and poetry driving them to distraction.
The Ecology of the Taromaiti
Taromaiti despise all creatures, including other divs, gathering in groups to lament their foes, both real and imagined, and dream up wickedly spiteful plots and plans. While they can be encountered anywhere in Gehenna, taromaiti seem to especially favour the dark loneliness of Mungoth and Krangath. Despite their loathing nature, they will fight cooperatively with other divs if truly threatened by an outside force.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Taromaiti possess a petrifying gaze that leaves victims forever changed. Those turned to stone endure a tormenting existence, their minds trapped within their stony prisons, bombarded by hateful thoughts. Even restored victims are permanently scarred or warped by the experience, while maintaining their morality can be a struggle.
They harbour a particular irrational hatred for rhythm and rhyme, finding music and poetry maddening. They will target bards and performers above all other enemies.
Philosophical Musings
Philosophically, the taromaiti embody the notion that hatred consumes from within, able to turn even the most vibrant life into a twisted, stone monument of despair. Yet, in their repulsiveness lies a reminder that spite breeds only more spite, consuming all in its path until nothing remains but bitterness and loathing, consuming all in its path until nothing remains but darkness.
Source and stats: Creature Codex [PF1e]