Guardinal Phratry, Luminaries
Guardinal Phratry, Luminaries

Guardinal Phratry, Luminaries

[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ]

The Guardinals of the Luminary Phratry

Also known as: The Souls of Elysium

The phratry of Luminaries isn’t necessarily a ruling class, although these cutters are the most powerful individually. See, the guardinals are like that, too busy being good to get all high and mighty. They typically live apart from other guardinals in their own communities, or alone, and are only invoked when conflict erupts between different communities or leadership roles in grand campaigns or projects are required.

The three leaders are leonals (lions), cetaceals (orca-sharks), and cervinals (elk-stags). Chant goes that there used to be a fourth kind of luminary guardinals called draconals. No matter who they were, they seem to have vanished without a trace.

GuardinalCRPhratryAnimal HybridLayerFunction in Society
Leonal12LuminaryLionAmoriaHunters of fiends, chieftains and leaders
Cetaceal †15LuminaryOrca / sharkThalasiaDefend the waters against aquatic threats
Cervinal †17LuminaryStag / elkEroniaFearless leaders of armies
Draconal †20LuminaryDragon / dinosaurBelierinWatch over powerful magics, direct agents of the powers


Who are wise leaders wit the hearts of lions

NG; CR 12

Leonals are bold and powerful guardinals who embody the ideals of courage, leadership, and uncompromising dedication to goodness. These lion-headed celestials stand as natural leaders among the guardinals on the plains of Amoria, commanding respect and loyalty through their wisdom and martial prowess. With golden fur, regal manes, and piercing eyes that burn with divine purpose, leonals are both fearsome to their foes and inspiring to their allies. They tend to act as chieftains when guardinals gather together, organising missions against evil or leading armies to protect Elysium. Their philosophy of goodness emphasises decisive action against evil; they believe in striking swiftly and effectively to dismantle threats before they can grow.

Stats: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2 [2e] p46-47; Manual of the Planes [3e] p162; [5e] p376; Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p20

More chant on leonals soon…


Who are fierce defenders of the deep seas

NG; CR 15 †

Cetaceals are magnificent water-dwelling guardinals with bodies that combine the features of humanoid and killer whals. Native to Thalasia, these bloods embody both harmony and power of the ocean, and serve as protectors of aquatic realms against underwater evils such as aboleths and sahuagin. Chant goes that their spirits originate from mortal leaders of coastal or aquatic communities who sacrificed themselves for noble causes, and they are reborn in this celestial form to continue their service to goodness. Cetaceals are deeply social beings, forming close bonds with other celestials and marine creatures, and they are rarely seen by land-dwellers due to their preference for the depths. With their compassionate auras and ability to commune with all forms of oceanic life, cetaceals symbolise the boundless compassion and strength of the seas, ensuring that the waters remain sanctuaries of peace and goodness.

Stats: Third party conversion [5e]; Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p17

More chant on cetaceals soon…


Who are noble champions of the vulnerable

NG; CR 17 †

Cervinals are regal guardinals, who embodying the noble virtues of chivalry, protection, and selflessness. With bodies that blend the features of humanoid and stag, these centaur-like celestials are crowned with antlers that radiate an aura of calm authority. Their appearance reflects their role as knights and defenders within Elysian society, where they act as protectors of the vulnerable and champions of justice, particularly in the mountainous lands of Eronia. Cervinals adhere to a philosophy of goodness rooted in service and balance, believing that true virtue lies in safeguarding others while maintaining a harmony between strength and compassion. They see themselves as guardians not only of Eronia but also of mortal realms, and they are prepared to intervene to shield innocents from harm, or to mediate conflicts before they escalate. Their unique combination of martial prowess and spiritual wisdom makes them both fearsome warriors and wise counsellors, attuned to the needs of those who cannot defend themselves.

Stats: Bestiary 5 [PF1e] p12

More chant on cervinals soon…


Who are mysterious and elusive servants of the powers

NG; CR 20 †

Draconals are the rarest, most powerful and most revered of their celestial kin, embodying the wisdom and authority of benevolent philosopher-monarchs. These majestic beings combine the features of dragons, serpents, and humanoids, with a smattering of dinosaur. They have features like shimmering scales, immense wings, or perhaps a crown of horns that radiates divine energy. Draconals are deeply attuned to the cycles of nature and the balance between life and death, believing that goodness is strengthened through understanding and harmony with these natural rhythms. Unlike other guardinals who actively intervene in mortal affairs, draconals are more contemplative and rarely interfere unless commanded by a deity or when a situation threatens the cosmic balance. They serve as guardians of Elysium’s most sacred domains, especially Belierin, where they meditate on the deeper mysteries of existence. Their philosophy emphasises enlightenment through knowledge and perspective, teaching that true virtue arises from understanding both light and shadow. In their rare interactions with mortals or other celestials, draconals might act as advisors and mentors, guiding others toward wisdom while remaining steadfast defenders of guardinal ideals. But these bloods are so elusive and rare, that even many other guardinals think they are mythical or extinct, let alone what mortals might believe.

Stats: Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p18; Bestiary 3 [PF2e] p13

More chant on draconals soon…

Source: Jon Winter-Holt and Margarita. Canonwatch: † Guardinals are called agathion in Pathfinder; ‡ Homebrew guardinals

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