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Hands of Havoc
Pssst! Yeah, you! Over here!

What are you doing, asking about Hands of Havoc in such a public place? Haven’t you ever heard that the walls in Sigil have ears, eyes, and even mouths? If you want to stay out of the dead-book in this burg of politics and philosophies, you’d better start being a lot more subtle than that!
So you want to know about Anarchy? You’re asking the right mimir here, cutter…I’ve spoken with some of the best-known—or should that be least known—agents of the so-called faction, and gathered some fascinating darks for you. ‘Course, it goes without saying you can’t tell a living soul. Or even an undead one. Otherwise, you may well wake up to find something rather nasty in your bed, courtesy of an irate anarchist.
The Evolution of Revolution
Rumours of the demise of the Revolutionary League are greatly exaggerated. We are the natural successors to those bashers. Hells, most of us are the same bloods. With an extra shot of Chaos from those half-barmy Xaositects.
So what is anarchy? Is it just a bunch of power-crazed terrorists bent on causing harm, or do these secretive bashers have a real driving philosophy guiding them? Who are the factions’ elusive leaders? What do they stand for? None of these questions is often asked, let alone answered.
Within me has been gathered chant and screed from several sources, and no, I’m not about to reveal them. You never know who might be listening. And if you’ve got any sense, you’ll look over your shoulder just in case there are spying eyes watching what you’re learning too.
May the dark be with you…
MERCYKILLER: “How do you get an Anarchist out of a tree?”
HARDHEAD: “Dunno.”
MERCYKILLER: “Cut the rope.”

Faction Headquarters
- None — The Hands of Havoc operate through a series of cells, isolated from one another
Songs of Insurrection
- Anarchist’s Delight — being a Rabble-Rousing Song from the Streets of the Hive
Philosophy by Numbers
- The Politics of Anarchy — A philosopher anarchist reveals that there is a purpose behind the anarchic; though Julius the Symmetrical, as ever, finds the cracks in the veneer
Movers and Shakers
- Raspud Sasoon — An Guvner-turned-Anarchist, or a Guvner-turned-spy-in-the-Anarchists? In any case, he’s a cutter to beware of, and no mistake!
- The Chanter and the Razorvine — The Chanter, a voice that speaks when all else in the Cage is quiet, an anarchist cell with ears always open and tongues always wagging
- Zepherai Thunderstorms — Who Works to Thwart the Peril of the Great Yugoloth Conspiracy
- The ‘Loth Resistance — Led by a visionary who sees the peril that the yugoloths present, the ‘Loth Resistance work to thwart the fiends’ supposed grip on the Multiversal leash
Cage Rattlers
- Zeines Pauch — An anarchic Culler of S.I.G.I.S., now more Wanted than a Factol’s favour
- Malkalotl & Caruther — A couatl Hardhead of radiant Goodness who carries an Anarchic and unseen Spy on his Back

—A cell of Anarchists, asked how many Anarchists it took to change a torch:
“Just one. Why sacrifice more effort when it could be spent on other causes?”
“All of them! Only by a concerted effort can the Revolutionary League…”
“Affairs such as torch-changing should be handled by the elite (namely us) while the others concentrate on ensuring a supply of torches for the future…”
“If we get in, we won’t need them. Infravision will be compulsory…”
“Torches are tools of corruption! Extinguish them all! We don’t need them!”
Extinguishes torch
“Ouch!” Bangs head on wall
Source: Jon Winter-Holt, mimir.net
See Also: kriegstanz.com, a Hands of Havoc D&D 3rd edition conversion here