I am the Mimir

I am the Mimir

I am the Mimir

Mimir, tell me about…

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Something Old

Being a deep dive into the dark of a planar subject



the City of Doors


the Outlands

plane of balance

Cant Dictionary

dictionary of cant

learn the slang of Sigil


Faction index

Philosophers with Clubs

Something New

Being the freshest chant on this here mimir (see the Latest Chant page for more)

Something Borrowed

Being a selection of links to other sites that you may find inspirational

DriveThru RPG: Find canonical Planescape books

Sigil City of Doors: An interactive map of the Cage

Planescape Torment: Dramatised podcast of the classic game

Something True

Random inner your Xaositect to content satisfy over from posts 1000

Being a Radiant Path on the Plane of Perseverance
The Great Mother
Being the Princess of Beholders
Mimiry Christmas!
Being a Festive Message to All Readers, Even the Yugoloths
Being the Land of the Brave
Planewalker Tales of the Spire
Being a Collection of Chant from Planewalkers on the Purpose of the Spire
Industrial Stitches
Being an Off-Loading Point for Goods coming in and Waste going out of Sigil
A Question of Dimensions
Being a Treatise on the Fourth Dimension that Exists on the Inner Planes of which Mortals are Ignorant
An Interview with Chris Perkins
Designer of 'Warriors of Heaven', one of TSR's last AD&D 2e planar publications...
Soul Mines
Being a Place where Tanar'ri Slaves Dig out Newly Arriving Petitioners