Philosophy by Numbers
Why are you a Xaositect?
Some of the more Intelligible Responses Obtained when Factioneers were Asked this Question
Finding Sense in Chaos
Ever Wondered if there was any Method behind the Faction’s Madness?
A Semiologist Factioneer would like to set you Straight: There is.
Reflections of the Infinite
The multiverse is a Canvas on which a Signer Paints her Thoughts, a Mirror in which they can be Seen
Stoic, Epicurean and Cynical Justice
A Mercykiller Torturer who goes to Great Pains to Explain the Faction’s Philosophy to his Victims
Shackling the Beast of Chaos
A Mercykiller Torturer who goes to Great Pains to Explain the Faction’s Philosophy to his Victims
The Chanter and the Razorvine
The Chanter, a voice that speaks when all else in the Cage is quiet, an anarchist cell with ears always open and tongues always wagging
The Politics of Anarchy
Where a Philosopher Anarchist Reveals that there is a Purpose behind the Anarchic