Bestiary Mephits Mephit, Void 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 Being a Creature which is so Not There as to be There #Bestiary #Creatures #Mephit Code #Mephits #Quasi-Elemental Vacuum
Bestiary Mephits Mephit, Shadow 2023-12-14 2023-12-16 Being a Tenebrous being of Dubious Intentions and Meanings #Bestiary #Creatures #Mephit Code #Mephits #Shadow
Mephits Ash Mephits 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 Being a Well-Meaning but Irritating Creature who is Only Happy when Complaining #Ash #Bestiary #Creatures #Mephit Code #Mephits #Quasi-Elemental Ash
Cutters Places The Charcoal Palace of Yethea 2023-10-29 2024-07-05 Being the Glittering Black Palace of a Most Self-Important Mephit #Ash #Mephits #Quasi-Elemental Ash #Sites
Languages Parlez-Vous Mephit? 2023-10-01 2024-07-05 Being a True and Accurate Account of the Mephit Code: The Diplomatic Language of the Lower Planes #Languages #Lower Planes #Mephit Code #Mephits