Powers Athar Guide to Demipowers 2024-01-02 2025-01-27 Being a Collection of Beings who are Neither Quite Mortal nor Divine #Athar #Directory of Deities #Powers
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Powers Athar Guide to Creators 2024-01-02 2025-01-27 Being a Collection of Powers who All Claim to have Created the Multiverse #Athar #Directory of Deities #Powers
Philosophies A Player’s Guide to the Athar 2023-11-23 2025-02-21 Being a Beginner’s Guide to the Faction that Denies the Gods #Athar #Philosophies #Player's Guides
Coteries Philosophies The Harbingers 2023-10-11 2025-03-12 Being a Sinister Group who Propagate Doomsday Cults across the Unsuspecting Prime #Athar #Believers of the Source #Coteries #Doomguard #Dustmen #Fraternity of Order #Heralds of Dust
Coteries The Monotheist Conspiracy 2023-10-10 2024-12-09 Being a Conspiracy Theory Concerning the Real Nature of the Great Unknown #Athar #Coteries
Coteries Seekers of the Truth 2023-10-10 2024-07-05 Being an Argument that the Great Unknown it Itself Fundamentally Unknowable #Athar #Coteries #Cutters #Visionaries
Coteries The Necroalchemists 2023-10-09 2024-07-05 An Athar Denier who Claims the Undead are not Really Dead at All #Athar #Coteries #Cutters #Sigil #Tieflings