Old Fireguts. CN demipower of control of resources, endurance, fire, and fearlessness (He/Him)
Pantheon: Orcish
Symbol: A cracked remorhaz skull
Realm: Ysgard / Ysgard / Wintersbite
When the orcs were first driven from their homes in the temperate mountains and hills to colder climes, they struggled to endure, possessing neither the natural ruggedness of dwarves nor the inherent ties to nature of the elves. Small bands were able to entrench themselves and worked to survive the winter, but the cold comes with its own dangers, and not all of them originate with the temperature. In this time, a lowly warrior named Ahgnaar challenged a terrible beast of the cold wastes, a remorhaz, and on killing it brought its still-hot ventral organs to the orc caverns. With this bold gift, the orcs were able to regain their strength, and have since come to be masters of polar terrain. Ahgnaar himself did not survive his wounds, but his sacrifice and boldness were remembered, and the legend of Fireguts inspired Gruumsh to give the godhead to the spirit of the warrior.
Ahgnaar is venerated little outside the tribes of the arctic orcs, and even they consider him mostly a culture hero, though that suits Ahgnaar just fine—he did not seek godhood or leadership and believes his people are, for the most part, doing fine with limited interference on his part. He is remembered during the worst of the cold months most especially, and represents control of resources, endurance, fire, and fearlessness. Young warriors and adventurers who run off to hunt monsters are sometimes said to be seeking Ahgnaar’s grave, a phrase said half in awe and half in contempt for foolishness. Ahgnaar makes his divine realm, Wintersbite, on the top layer of Ysgard, on a particularly frosty earthberg where he can hunt frost worms and remorhaz.
Source: Afroakuma