The Citadel of Stars
Location: Mount Celestia / Lunia / Threshold

The Citadel of Stars is a truly blessed burg standing proud on the shore of the Silver Sea. Its illuminated towers reach high into the skies, and as the glittering lights from the windows merge with the twinkling stars in Lunia’s ever-night sky, it can be hard to tell where one ends and the other starts.
At the heart of this citadel, where the lights of all the stars of Lunia converge, resides the archangel Barachiel, the Lord of the Trumpet Archons. He’s a figure of majestic presence, clad in armour that is as silver as the sea itself. The gentle wrinkles at the corner of his eyes give a clue to the wisdom of eons that this ancient being possesses, and his clear and pure voice sounds like a herald announcing the dawn.
Barachiel’s chambers within the Citadel of Stars are a sight to behold. The Gallery of the Righteous holds magical artworks which depict pivotal moments in the defence of Lunia against invading hordes. Luminiferous crystals that reflect the light of the night sky hang from the ceiling, casting a gentle purifying radiance upon all who enter.
From his celestial throne, Barachiel watches over the layer of Lunia with the careful eye of a shepherd tending to his flock. He’s a beacon of hope and guidance for the trumpet archons whose harmonious musics sound across the Silver Sea, carrying the archangel’s pronouncements to all corners of the layer.
Canonical Source: Book of Exalted Deeds (3e) p126 (a brief mention of the Citadel in a larger entry about Barachiel)