[ Eladrin ] [ Aestetica | Paragons | Court of Stars ]

The Canoe-Singer, Feathered Voyager, Spirit of the Rowers (planar mairne eladrin empyreal lord [he/him] / CG)
Portfolio: Innovation, harmony with the sea, unity through song
Realm: Arborea / Ossa / Ua se Vaʻa tu Matagi (wandering)
Atonga is an adventurous cutter who embodies the spirit of exploration—albeit tempered by respect for nature’s boundaries. He’s patient and thoughtful, often pausing to listen to the calls of seabirds for their wisdom and opinions, before making decisions. Like many who strike out into harsh conditions with little support, he is supremely resourceful. Atonga’s creativity drives him to pursue new ways of doing things, and inspire others to embrace innovation while honouring tradition. He exudes warmth and camaraderie, making him a favourite travelling companion for many celestials.
Chant goes that Atonga was the first blood to think of hollowing out a wooden shell to make a canoe, simultaneously inventing the aestetica of the mairne—and with that head-start he’s also gone on to become one of the best travelled bloods in Ossa too. Along the voyage, he’s found a deep connection with seabirds, and his understanding of maritime nature’s rhythms and balance is as deep as the ocean itself. Thirdly, Atonga is said to have invented the rowing song. He taught the first time-keeping chants to mortal rowers to help them maintain rhythm, his gift symbolising the power of music to unite sailors in a shared purpose.
Atonga appears as a slender eladrin with shimmering blue skin that resembles polished spinel, streaked with veins of silver and green like flowing water. His hair flows like waves, shifting colours from deep ocean blue to the white of sea foam. His eyes sparkle like the horizon at dawn, filled with wisdom and curiosity. You can usually find ghostly whip-poor-wills following his canoe—chant goes they’re algea psychopomps who flit and sing endlessly, weaving eerie melodies. Atonga is able to call upon these mysterious creatures lift up his canoe and transport him from the seas of the Outer Planes into the Astral and back.
Atonga’s philosophy centres on goodness as a shared journey. He believes that progress is achieved not through solitary effort but through collaboration and harmony with one’s companions and the natural world. To him, goodness is found in fostering unity—whether among rowers pulling together in rhythm or between sailor and the sea itself working toward common goals. Atonga teaches that every act of creation should honour the environment it arises from, ensuring balance rather than exploitation.
Atonga fits into eladrin society as a paragon of creativity and cooperation. He’s revered for his ability to bridge gaps—between mortals and spirits, between air- and water-breathers, and between individuals through shared song. He occasionally advises Queen Morwel’s Court of Stars on matters concerning exploration and diplomacy with aquatic beings of Ossa and other planes. His teachings inspire eladrin artisanal shipwrights, explorers and musicians to create works that reflect Arborea’s beauty while serving practical purposes.
Atonga’s aestetica revolves around themes of fluidity, rhythm, and interconnectedness: Canoes carved from living trees or driftwood, adorned with feathers or shells; birds in flight; waves crashing gently against shores. Harmonious rowing songs accompanied by bird calls; the gentle lapping of water; distant echoes of laughter carried by the wind. Earthy browns paired with vibrant blues and greens; flashes of gold representing sunlight on water.
Ua se vaʻa tu Matagi
Atonga’s domain is called Ua se vaÊ»a tu Matagi (like a canoe before the wind), a wandering paradisiacal island floating in Ossa’s endless ocean. The island is surrounded by crystal-clear waters teeming with life—fish that shimmer like stars and coral reefs glowing faintly in moonlight. Birds flock in great numbers here, singing melodies that harmonise with the gentle waves. At its centre lies a grand lagoon where celestial canoes crafted from living wood are moored.
Atonga began as a mortal hero born from both human ingenuity and divine spirit. He was tasked by his brothers Olokeu and Olo-i-nano to craft a vessel capable of traversing vast seas—a feat he accomplished overnight through divine inspiration. Summoning birds from heaven, he taught them songs to guide the canoe safely across treacherous waters to distant shores. Upon his passing, Ossa welcomed him as a mairne paragon for embodying its ideals: creativity rooted in wanderlust and respect for life’s interconnectedness. As an empyreal lord, Atonga continues to guide mortals toward discovery while reminding them to honour nature’s balance—as those who sing his rowing songs are reminded.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt. Canonwatch: Atonga is mentioned in Bestiary 1 [PF1] with no further comment. He’s a hero from Samoan mythology, and I’ve based this character on that.