Angorogo Crevasse
You’re curious about the icy mysteries of the Angorogo Crevasse, cutter? Imagine a desert wasteland, the scorching sun beating down on the parched earth. And then, impossibly in the midst of this baking desert, you’ve got the Angorogo ice sheet – a sight so bizarre it’s like finding a mert in a puddle of mud. What’s more, this glacier’s like a hungry beast, devouring the land around it year by year, its frozen clutches growing larger with every passing season.

At its heart of this unlikely frozen wilderness lies an immense crevasse, a chasm of ice that plunges deep into the depths of the Abyss. It’s a gate to Soulfreeze, the 566th layer of the plane – a place where even the chill winds have teeth and the very air freezes your thoughts. There’s a great stone bridge that spans the frozen gorge, each end of the bridge guarded by an ice fortresses carved into the permafrost of the sheer canyon walls. Stout and unyielding, they’re the last bastions of warmth in this sea of frigid despair.
The warlord of this frosty corner of the Abyss is Thaclighaua, a jarrlak who’s carved out his own chilly domain. He keeps a tight grip on that pit, and nobody gets to use it without his permission — which of course requires a lot of flattery and a substantial garnish. And don’t think he’s acting alone – he’s got an army of ice archon rimehammers at his beck and call, guarding the pit and enforcing his will.

So, if you’re ever got a need to descend to Soulfreeze and are planning to go via the Angorogo Crevasse, pack your warmest cloak and your sharpest wit, and something shiny to tempt its greedy master. And make it good, because he’s got a bad habit of trapping berks who don’t impress him in blocks of ice and using them to decorate the bridge.
Source: Realms of Adventure Wiki