Powers Nazarn 2024-02-18 2024-03-10 Being the Half-Orcish Power of Gladiators #Demipowers #Orc Powers #Outlands #Powers of War #Wandering
Essays The Truth about the Orcish Gods 2024-02-18 2024-02-18 Being the Legend of the Original Orc Pantheon before it was Crushed by Gruumsh #History #Orc Powers
Powers Yurtrus 2024-02-18 2024-11-30 Being the Feared Orcish Power of Death, Disease and Decay #Gray Waste #Intermediate Powers #Oinos #Orc Powers #Powers #Powers of Death #Powers of Entropy
Powers Shargaas 2024-02-18 2024-07-04 Being the Orcish Power of Darkness, Thieves and the Night #Gehenna #Intermediate Powers #Krangath #Night Powers #Orc Powers #Powers
Powers Luthic 2024-02-18 2024-07-05 Being the Mother Power of the Orcs, Goddess of Healing and Medicine #Acheron #Avalas #Lesser Powers #Mother Powers #Orc Powers #Powers
Powers Ilneval 2024-02-18 2024-07-05 Being the Orcish Power of Strategic Warfare, Battle Tactics, Courage #Acheron #Avalas #Intermediate Powers #Orc Powers #Powers #Powers of War
Powers Bahgtru 2024-02-18 2024-07-05 Being a Big Dumb Brute of a Power #Acheron #Avalas #Intermediate Powers #Orc Powers #Powers #Powers of War
Powers Gruumsh 2024-02-18 2024-07-05 Being the Vengeful and Petty Leader of the Orcish Pantheon #Acheron #Avalas #Greater Powers #Orc Powers #Pantheon Leaders #Powers #Powers of War
Powers Vasthu 2024-02-17 2024-02-26 Being the Orcish Power of Deserts, Scouts and Tracking #Brinklands #Demipowers #Orc Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Travellers