Into the Abyss
Into the Abyss

Into the Abyss

Into the Abyss

A cautionary tale about the dangers of delving too deeply into the Abyss. Audible glamer by Jon Winter-Holt.

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Into the Abyss

Bloods in the Abyss: Layer one,
Their courageous journey has begun,
The Plain of Infinite Portals reeks,
Without a map, they’re lost for weeks.
They march into a rift, they must be barmy!

When they see plane-walkers, the tanar’ri smirk.
If you’re in the Abyss, then you’re a blood… or you’re a berk!

Cutters in the Abyss: Layer two,
Have they bitten off more than they can chew?
Stumbled into the Driller’s Hive,
They’ll be lucky to make it out alive.
They fought the insect horde, they must be barmy!

When they see plane-walkers, the tanar’ri smirk.
If you’re in the Abyss, then you’re a blood… or you’re a berk!

Bashers in the Abyss: Layer three,
They’ve forgotten what they came to see,
Walk in circles, following tracks,
Now they’re all amnesiacs.
No idea what they have lost, they must be barmy!

When they see plane-walkers, the tanar’ri smirk.
If you’re in the Abyss, then you’re a blood… or you’re a berk!

Berks in the Abyss: Layer four,
Looking for a gate, and found so many more
Dying to find a way to escape,
There ain’t a barrel they wouldn’t scrape.
When will they learn it gets worse? They must be barmy!

When they see plane-walkers, the tanar’ri smirk.
If you’re in the Abyss, then you’re a blood… or you’re a berk!

Poor sods in the Abyss: Layer five,
Planewalkers fighting just to stay alive!
The layer’s plague-riddled, rotten and vile,
They’re shivering, sneezing, coughing up bile,
Wormblood’s interdicted for a reason.
Turned out they were barmy!

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