Brix’s Guide to the Lady’s Ward
Brix’s Guide to the Lady’s Ward

Brix’s Guide to the Lady’s Ward

Brix’s Guide to the Lady’s Ward

I am Brix, earth mephit, author and explorer, and your guide to Sigil, at least through this magical brain-box. By consulting this mimir you will learn much about the Cage, its inhabitants and their favourite places. Anyway, enough introduction from me…rattling my bone-box on and on never was my strong point. Simply consult the mimir on any topic and you’ll find a wealth of information, advice and tales of times past.

Remember, it may not all be true…

Seeing as we’re getting along so well, here is some bonus chant for you on the nature of the Lady of Pain.

The Lady’s Ward

Source: Jon Winter-Holt and respective authors

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