
LG planar sword archon (she/her)
Ziamiral [zee-ah-meer-AHL] is a sword archon with a dedication to Barachiel that shines as bright as the twin moons of Lunia. She’s a figure of celestial might and duty, ready to answer the call of worthy bloods when summoned by the magic of planar ally or planar binding. When the call comes from the Material Plane, she drops everything and manifests immediately. Evil beings should quake in their boots, for Ziamiral arrives with her flaming sword arms aflame with righteousness to smite them down.
Ziamiral’s story is one of unwavering service, a sword archon who has always stoods as a dedicated servant of Barachiel. When she’s not embroiled in battles on the Material Plane, Ziamiral’s duty calls her to serve in one of Barachiel’s standing armies, a force charged with the noble task of defending Celestia from any who would dare threaten its purity. Yet, attacks on the plane are as rare as a baatezu keeping a promise, leaving her with a fair bit of time on her celestial hands. And what does she do with that time, you ask? Well, it seems that Ziamiral has a particular fondness for preening her celestial feathers until every feather is set just so, as if preparing for a grand celestial gala. But don’t let this attention to appearance fool you, for when duty calls, Ziamiral is as fierce as a firedrake, especially against the forces of darkness. [Her natural weapons and any weapon she wields are treated as both good- and lawful-aligned].
Ziamiral is a being of inquisitiveness, always seeking to learn and understand. Her droll sense of humour adds a touch of levity, reminding everyone that even in the highest of heavens, there’s room for a sly backhand comment.
Personality Traits: Inquisitive, droll, and fastidious.
Canonical reference: Book of Exalted Deeds (3e) p126-127 (description and 3e stats)