[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ] [ Paragons ]

The Lady of Inscribed Wonder (planar reptial guardinal companion [she/her] / NG)
Portfolio: Cards, scribes, spells
Realm: Elysium / Thalasia / Sea of No Shadows / Palace of Reed
Irez, the guardinal lord of cards, scribes, and spells, embodies the mystical power of symbols and the written word. She’s a snake-like guardinal, part reptile, part snake, part humanoid. She has huge enveloping wings and is always surrounded by swirling parchment scrolls, inscribed with constantly-changing writing, sigils and heiroglyphs. She’s known as the Lady of Inscribed Wonder, and chant goes that she emerged from the reeds along the tranquil coast of Thalasia’s Sea of No Shadows. She still resides there to this day, in a palace of woven reed floors, paper walls, and bamboo rooves—a structure that might be delicate in appearance, but has withstood even the strongest of storms. Irez’s domains are the intricate art of runes and their ability to empower arcane magics, as well as the deeper symbolism that exists behind written language. She’s revered by scribes, calligraphers, harrow readers, gamblers, and runesmiths alike for her teachings on precision, creativity, and the power of inscribed sigils. Her philosophy emphasises that knowledge, prophesy and magic are vital tools in the shaping of destiny and that even the smallest carefully-made written mark can hold immense meaning.
The agents of Irez travel across the planes to teach calligraphy and runecraft to favoured mortals. They’re often ursinals disguised as simple wandering sages or itinerant bards, spreading Irez’s ideals of academic discipline and careful penmanship. Despite her serene demeanour, Irez detests deliberate misuse of writing or symbols for deceitful purposes. Her Palace of Reeds is a sanctuary for those who seek inspiration through words and symbols, reminding cutters who encounter her that magic begins with deliberate intention and is shaped by the careful marks we leave behind.
Source: Chronicle of the Righteous [PF1e] p15; Inner Sea Gods [PF1e] p322; Gods and Magic [PF2e] p128; Jon Winter-Holt