Akna. NG lesser power of children, clothing, domestic life (She/Her)
Pantheon: Inuit
Symbol: A pair of fur gloves
Realm: Outlands / Hinterlands / Adlivun
Known Proxies: None
The power of the home, Pukkeengak is the patron of children, childbirth and mothers. She’s a benevolent goddess whose name is invoked inn ceremonies to protect the home, be it an igloo or a sealskin tent, and watches over people performing domestic tasks like cooking and cleaning. She’s also the power who provides materials for making clothes; fur, wool, seal-skin, and is credited with inventing fur-lined gloves. She wears long boots, and is covered in tattoos. She is apparently on good terms with Hestia, although some graybeards say she might be an aspect of the Greek power. Or the other way around. Powers are funny like that.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt