Baator Phlegethos 2024-04-27 2025-01-23 Being the Hell of Lust, a Blazing Realm of Hungry Flames, Intense Pleasure and Agonizing Pain #Baator #Layers #Outer Planes #Phlegethos
Baator Minauros 2024-04-27 2024-06-07 Being the Hell of Greed, a Fetid Marsh of Absolute Environmental Desecration #Baator #Layers #Minauros #Outer Planes
Baator Dis 2024-04-24 2024-11-19 Being the First City of Hell, that Draws All into its Dark Walls like an Insatiable Gullet #Baator #Dis #Layers #Outer Planes
Baator Avernus 2024-04-18 2025-03-03 Being the Cratered Wasteland and Eternal Blood War Battlefield of the Plane of Wrath #Avernus #Baator #Layers #Outer Planes
Acheron Ocanthus 2024-04-13 2024-12-10 Being the Trenchant Ices of Acheron, the Strife of Violence #Acheron #Layers #Ocanthus #Outer Planes
Acheron Tintibulus 2024-04-13 2024-04-13 Being the Oblique Geometries of Acheron, the Strife of Clamour #Acheron #Layers #Outer Planes #Tintibulus
Acheron Thuldanin 2024-04-13 2024-04-13 Being the Flotsam Yards of Acheron, the Strife of Toil #Acheron #Layers #Outer Planes #Thuldanin
Acheron Avalas 2024-04-13 2024-04-22 Being the Ringing Cubes of Avalas, Home of War Eternal, the Strife of Conflict #Acheron #Avalas #Layers #Outer Planes
Planes Acheron 2024-04-13 2025-02-09 Being the Infernal Plane of Endless Struggle and Strife #Acheron #Lower Planes #Outer Planes