Powers Tarqeq 2024-03-22 2024-12-09 Being the Inuit Power of the Moon, Morality and Motion #Greater Powers #Hinterlands #Inuit Pantheon #Night Powers #Outlands #Powers
Powers Ilsensine 2024-02-25 2024-02-25 Being the Illithid Power of Magic and Mental Domination #Great Old Ones #Greater Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Magic
Powers Gruumsh 2024-02-18 2024-07-05 Being the Vengeful and Petty Leader of the Orcish Pantheon #Acheron #Avalas #Greater Powers #Orc Powers #Pantheon Leaders #Powers #Powers of War
Powers Erik 2024-02-17 2024-10-25 Being the Cerilian Power of Peaceful Nature #Cerilian Patheon #Greater Powers #Nature Powers #Outlands #Powers #Ringlands
Powers Shekinester 2024-02-15 2025-01-28 Being the Complex and Unpredictable Creator-Destroyer Power of the Naga #Creator Powers #Greater Powers #Outlands #Pantheon of Scalykind #Powers #Powers of Entropy #Powers of Wisdom #Ringlands #Triple Powers
Powers Ubtao 2024-01-06 2024-02-17 Being a Primordial Power of Dinosaurs and Jungles #Aloof Powers #Beastlands #Chultan Pantheon #Greater Powers #Krigala #Nature Powers #Outlands #Powers #Primordials #Supreme Powers
Powers Gilean 2023-12-19 2024-02-17 Being the Power of Knowledge, and the Keeper of the True Names #Greater Powers #Krynnish Pantheon #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Ringlands
Powers Boccob 2023-12-19 2024-01-02 Being the Oerdian Power of All Things Magical #Greater Powers #Oerth Pantheon #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Magic #Ringlands
Powers Annam 2023-12-19 2024-03-25 Being the Solitary, Hermit Power who is the King of the Ordning #Aloof Powers #Creator Powers #Demiplanes #Greater Powers #Ordning #Outlands #Pantheon Leaders #Powers #Powers of Magic #Powers of Wisdom #Supreme Powers