Powers Math Mathonwy 2023-12-02 2024-07-04 The Miser of Sorcery, the Celtic Power of Magic #Celtic Pantheon #Gehenna #Intermediate Powers #Khalas #Pantheon Leaders #Powers #Powers of Magic #Supreme Powers #Welsh Powers
Places Gehhenom 2023-11-16 2024-08-04 Being a Second Smouldering Gate-Town to Gehenna #Burgs #Gate Towns #Gehenna #Outlands #Ringlands
Sects The Faithful of the Flame 2023-10-30 2025-02-21 Being a Sect of True Believers who Seek the Memories of their Immolated Power #Gehenna #Philosophies #Quasi-Elemental Ash #Sects #Sites
Bestiary Stories Torch’s Export 2023-09-30 2024-10-26 Being a Fern Most Inflammable #Bestiary #Creatures #Flower Powers #Gehenna #Hazards #Plants #Short Stories
Bestiary Stories Siren Thorn 2023-09-30 2024-10-26 Being a Beautiful Bloom with a Dark Appetite #Creatures #Flower Powers #Gehenna #Hazards #Plants #Short Stories
Bestiary Xiaochan 2023-09-30 2024-07-04 Being a Fearless Race of Fiendish Assassins — Assassins OF Fiends, That Is #Assassins #Bestiary #Creatures #Gehenna
Places River Styx 2023-09-02 2024-12-10 Being a Plane-Spanning River of Foulest Corruption #Abyss #Acheron #Avalas #Avernus #Blood Shallows #Carceri #Durao #Gehenna #Goranthis #Gray Waste #Khalas #Nessus #Ocanthus #Oinos #Othrys #Pandemonium #Pandesmos #Pazunia #Planar Pathways #River Styx #Shedaklah #Shendilavri #Stygia #Thanatos #Wormblood
Places Sigil World Serpent Inn 2023-09-01 2024-12-10 Being a Plane-Hopping Tavern, the Start of Many an Adventure #Abyss #Acheron #Arborea #Arcadia #Baator #Beastlands #Bytopia #Carceri #Elysium #Gehenna #Gray Waste #Limbo #Mechanus #Mount Celestia #Outlands #Pandemonium #Planar Pathways #Prime #Sigil #Taverns #Ysgard
Places The Steep Ascent 2023-09-01 2024-12-09 Being the Long Way Around from the Hells to the Heavens #Avernus #Baator #Chamada #Dis #Gehenna #Khalas #Krangath #Lunia #Maladomini #Malbolge #Mercuria #Minauros #Mount Celestia #Mungoth #Phlegethos #Planar Pathways #Solania #Venya