Cutters Imryll Quast 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 Being the Unblinking Watcher, the Man in the Endless Now #Cutters #Fortune Tellers #Fraternity of Order #High-Ups #Mechanus
Places Premonitions Bureau 2025-01-27 2025-02-02 Being the Place where Future History is Made #Fortune Tellers #Independent Towns #Mechanus #Sites
Cutters Sigil Happy Medium 2023-10-09 2024-07-05 Being a Fortune Teller who Delights in the Bad Things #Brix's Guide #Cutters #Fortune Tellers #Hags #Hive Ward #Night Hags #Sigil #Sites
Bestiary Stories Eternity Tree 2023-09-30 2024-10-26 Being a Mythical Tree with the Gift of Foresight #Flower Powers #Fortune Tellers #Plants
Cutters Memorabilia 2023-09-24 2025-01-28 Being a Fortune Teller who will Sell you a new Fate #Cutters #Fortune Tellers #Githzerai #Great Bazaar #Sigil #Slaadi #Society of Sensation
Cutters Axarax the Augur 2023-09-24 2025-01-28 Being a Soothsayer who Prevents Future Crimes Before they Happen #Beholders #Cutters #Fortune Tellers #Great Bazaar #Harmonium #Sigil
Cutters Sussanoss of Sooths 2023-09-24 2025-01-28 Being a Fortune Teller who Sells their Sooths to the Highest Bidder #Cutters #Fortune Tellers #Great Bazaar #Illithids #Merkhants #Sigil
Cutters Serendipity the Crone 2023-09-24 2025-01-28 Being a Blood who will Tell you a New Fortune #Cutters #Fortune Tellers #Great Bazaar #Hags #Mind's Eye #Sigil #Sign of One
Cutters M’lora the Nostalgic 2023-09-24 2025-01-28 Being a Blood who Predicts Fortunes for Future Lives and Dredges Memories from Past Lives #Cutters #Fortune Tellers #Great Bazaar #Grell #Mind's Eye #Sigil #Sign of One