Powers Nathair Sgiathach 2024-07-13 2024-07-13 Being the Playful Patron of Pseudodragons #Draconic Pantheon #Feywild #Intermediate Powers #Powers #Seelie Court #Sylvan Powers
Powers Chronepsis 2024-01-07 2024-02-17 Being the Silent Draconic Power of Fate, Time and Ultimately, Death #Aloof Powers #Draconic Pantheon #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Fate #Underlands #Underworld Powers
Powers Bahamut 2023-08-29 2024-12-09 Being the Draco-Paladin, Lord of the North Wind, Platinum Dragon, King of the Good Dragons #Draconic Pantheon #Lesser Powers #Lunia #Mercuria #Mount Celestia #Powers #Powers of Wisdom #Sky Powers #Solania #Venya