Places Granite Spur 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 Being a Burg on the Edge #Abyss #Burgs #Doomguard #Edgewalkers #Grand Abyss #Independent Towns
Places Citadel Insectivoræ 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 Being a Creeping, Crawling and Always Exploring Doomguard Citadel #Abyss #Doomguard #Grand Abyss #Sites #Wandering
Places Citadel Svart 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 Being an Entropic Fortress Swirling with Psychic Energies #Abyss #Doomguard #Grand Abyss #Realms #Sites
Places Citadel Maw 2025-01-01 2025-01-02 Being a Well-Defended Sinker Fortress #Abyss #Doomguard #Grand Abyss #Realms #Sites
Music Poetry The Sinker’s Song 2024-06-19 2024-08-21 Being a Ballad to Entropy #Doomguard #Poems from Beyond #Romantic Poetry #Songs from Beyond
Music Poetry A Sinker at the End of the Multiverse 2024-06-19 2024-08-21 Being a Love Song about the End of All Things #Doomguard #Poems from Beyond #Romantic Poetry #Songs from Beyond
Places Castra Deposita 2023-11-29 2024-01-15 Being a Nomadic Burg that Likes to Nudge Others Off the Philosophical Precipice #Burgs #Doomguard #Independent Towns #Outlands #Ringlands #Wandering
Cutters Pereid 2023-11-11 2023-11-12 Being the Masked High-Up of the Dusty Doomguard Citadel Alluvius #Cutters #Doomguard #High-Ups
Places Citadel Alluvius 2023-11-11 2025-01-02 Being the Stronghold of the Sinkers Perched on the Edges of Dust and the Negative #Doomguard #Quasi-Elemental Dust #Storm of Annihilation