Powers Yeenoghu 2024-07-15 2025-01-10 Yeenoghu Demon Prince of Savagery, Beast of Butchery, Ruler of Ruin. CE Intermediate power of … #Abyss #Abyssal Lords #Abyssal Pantheon #Cutters #Intermediate Powers #Powers of Death #Powers of Entropy #Tanar'ri Lords
Powers The Great Mother 2023-09-13 2024-12-18 Being the Princess of Beholders #Abyss #Abyssal Pantheon #Beholder Pantheon #Elder Mythos #Eyenabella #Greater Powers #Mother Powers #Powers #Powers of Magic #Supreme Powers
Abyss Layer 6 – Eyenabella 2023-09-11 2024-12-19 Being a Tunnel-Plane Swarming with Eye Tyrants and their Kin #Abyss #Abyssal Pantheon #Beholder Pantheon #Elder Mythos #Eyenabella #Layers #Realms
Powers Gazzall’et 2023-09-09 2024-12-10 Being the Dormice Power of Slavery and Domination #Abyss #Abyssal Pantheon #Descolada #Lesser Powers #Nature Powers #Powers
Places Dulopos 2023-09-05 2024-12-17 Being the Realm of Gazzell’et, Dromite power of Vermin and Slavery #Abyss #Abyssal Pantheon #Burgs #Descolada #Realm Towns #Realms