Aasimon Bestiary Aasimon, Arthurea 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 Being an Angelic Creature with a Dubious Parentage Indeed #Aasimon #Arborea #Arcadia #Bestiary #Bytopia #Creatures #Elysium #Mount Celestia
Aasimon Aasimon, Twilight 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 Being a Subtle Angel of the Shadows, but not of Darkness #Aasimon #Arborea #Arcadia #Bestiary #Bytopia #Creatures #Elysium #Mount Celestia
Poetry Celestial Sorrow 2024-01-26 2024-01-29 Being a Dirge to a Wounded Aasimon #Aasimon #Poems from Beyond #Romantic Poetry
Aasimon Bestiary Aasimon, Soul Child 2023-12-14 2025-03-10 Being the True Children of Petitioners #Aasimon #Arborea #Arcadia #Bestiary #Bytopia #Creatures #Elysium #Mount Celestia
Cutters Sigil Montekkai’s Alley 2023-10-09 2025-01-13 Being a Solitary Place of Hope and Mercy in a Bad Part of Town #Aasimon #Brix's Guide #Cutters #Hive Ward #Orcs #Sigil #Sites
Cutters Jovius 2023-09-28 2024-12-09 A Burnished Deva who seeks to Redeem the Name of Goodness by Ceasing their Arming of the Fiends #Aasimon #Astral Deva #Cage Rattlers #Sigil
Cutters Ragathiel 2023-08-29 2024-12-09 The General of Vengeance #Aasimon #Cutters #Empyreal Lords #Lunia #Mount Celestia
Cutters Arelsis 2023-08-16 2024-12-09 Being the Watcher of the Waters #Aasimon #Astral Deva #Cutters #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Silver Sea