Tanarus, Taranucno, Touatis. NE greater power of thunder, storms (He/Him)
Pantheon: Celtic, (especially Gaulish, Briton)
Symbol: Thunderbolt
Realm: Gehenna / Khalas / Toranach
The sound of thunder needs no translation
— Gaelic Proverb

The Celtic power Taranis is known by many names; Toutatis, Tanarus, perhaps even Perkunos to the ancients. He’s been linked to Zeus and Thor, although if he’s an aspect of either of those bloods he’s keeping quiet about it. And that’s about the only think that’s quiet about Taranis—the Celtic god of storms and thunder. While the Daghdha’s area of control is the helpful aspects of weather, for growing crops and the like, Taranis is almost his opposite. While the Daghdha enjoys practical jokes and acting like a father to the Tuatha de Danann, Taranis is all about rage and destruction and acting like a bully to other powers. He’s the leader of the Gaulish contingent of Celtic powers, although more by might than right.
His realm in Gehenna is as violent and angry as he is. Dark clouds roil and churn across the slopes. When Taranis is angry, or seven when he’s not, bolts and sheets of lightning crackle down the steep terrain of Khalas, and lightning fog plays across the canyons. It’s a dangerous place to be above ground, especially in metallic armour. The frequent thunderclaps are enough to deafen a berk, and can cause landslips and earthquakes. When Taranis is really angry, you can throw in volcanic eruptions as well—even seen a lava flow crackling with electricity? Trust me cutter, this realm is a place ion fear and awe, and a testament to Taranis’ might and control of the most dangerous aspects of the natural world.
Worship of Taranis usually involves placating him, offering sacrifices to ask his storms to pass over your burg or farm. On auspicious occasions, he demands human sacrifices—usually convicted criminals or war prisoners face the music. The church of Taranis is brutal and merciless, like their master, and his followers will go to great lengths to appease him.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt, mimir.net